Message from @Tea
Discord ID: 530194535872200732
You are not authorised to use this command: `kick`
This command requires Kick Members
Little bit of drama all fucking hell breaks lose, as people talk shit behind back instead of talking to said person. The majority of them come back in the discord within 1 week - 1 month
haha ebic
Ah right. Hope everyone is doing alright in general then.
She’s doing fine, some stress here and there from uni but that’s normal. Hopefully her interruption gets accepted.
What happened to Coattails? if it's not going to open a wound
I hope so too Cow.
she left
yeah, i noticed the low tolerance for autism and the regular scat blasts prevents the type of drama you see on other online communication points
Fingers crossed for them
That is one thing I hate though, if you can’t say shit to someone then don’t shit talk them behind their back. Had it happen to me heaps
Apparently people talked behind peoples back
```i love all of you```
Jamie fuck you
Sounds pretty typical of normal social circles
i hope shes doing fine
@Dimorac was more meaning the circumstances surrounding it, but I've got the picture now
jesus christ im drunk
normal is shit
I’ll let her know you guys are checking up though, she’ll like that.
You can just dm her
What I did
If I have a problem with someone i make it a task to speak to them directly
Also Dim how's the website coming
Aye I was talking to her a couple days ago, but got the feeling she didn't want to exactly talk to me.
can we trade lolfire for lebens?
Oh god