Message from @shitzngigz
Discord ID: 530196637851582474
@shitzngigz yeah I got through court alright, was a stressful time and I had to dip into my savings and not work for a while, though - easiest part for me was writing affidavits without using emotive language, hardest part was dealing with people and being in the court room itself
@zalfir yep, people often do create so much shit that they can’t even remember what the truth was
Hmm how come
People just need to stop being shitebags and say shit to them directly.
lolfire was aight, bit drama hungry and cuntish at times but he was aight
Almost no one here is outrageously annoying except that one kiwi dude
Imagine getting personally invested in a shitposting server
Am I right
@Callie all I'm going to say is if there is ever a met up I can't be even ,50 foot near him let alone the same room
@zalfir yea, my missus has been going through some court shit too. Real rough.
@shitzngigz oh, and the stress of waiting, and my son being in her care, all that shit combined
@Questgiver Fuck I put real on my message and not yours
i just dont like him, hes a prick, comes on drunk all the time and starts shit. i dont hate him just dont like him @Kai
Oh that
Say that to his face
Thought so
Well yea thats fair
Sit down
other than that
I will say it to his face.
No I mean I've told him that to his face too
I have said it to his face
Am no bothered
hes just another sperg i guess
I never understood why he got soy
If he comes close to me at a meet up I'd probably stab him
Who hasn't called Lolfire a cunt to his face?
From drinking
@shitzngigz too many give up, men often don't fight battles they feel they will lose
He seriously ticked me of several days aho
It's the stabby cripple boys look out
I'm meeting him rofl
fucking bomb down a hill straight into him
why was lolfire a cunt?
Nice blog
at least we'll get to see @Tea kicking his head in
He probably thinks yer gonna try and fuck him @Tea
Yeah :)