Message from @AllTheFunnyNamesWereTaken
Discord ID: 530210518707863562
21 degrees
tshirt give nicolle a noogie
Ontario is nice
like im a pussy but thats not even bad
I bet you fucking leave them here
nicolle, give tshirt a noogie
27c in Melbourne is bearable with the windows open, 27c in QLD is bearable if you're in a bunker with air conditioning and an industrial grade dehumidifier
@soup dad ok
i will get no said noogie
@zalfir lol yea humidity is a bitch...dosnt get too bad down in SA, not super humid
it goes to -30 in MN
Australia is weird
Can I give him a huggie instead?
i reckon
@T e x are you talking Celsius or Fahrenheit?
I'll do that
we get 30F ish max
maybe 25
once you get into negative any temp type, they are all terrible
Hottest I've ever seen it here was on my birthday last year, 32c
I remember back in 14’ where there was like 6 feet of snow in my parents driveway
Yea man that shit can be ball breaking, got to -40 where I was when I first moved to Canada
Let's just all use Kelvin
Fucking Alberta
I hope they don't come after you for using traitorous measuring units, Tex
Alberta gang
-30 celcius is -22 fahrenheit
yeah thats what i was getting at
once its negatives
they are both similar
and terrible