Message from @Hob
Discord ID: 530824838160580620
Ooo tasty
Thanks soup, very cool
This stinks haha amirite
nice one soup
That was a *shite* joke
Rip dinner talk lol
Aw Nicolle please
now you cant eat diner, and i dont want gløgg no more
it's like the channels very own reset button
Irony is so fucking horny
You know I once sat and ate a full roast dinner while watching scat being spammed
Calm down lad
Doesnt put me off at all
Sat and ate chocolate ice cream once while it happened too
I was horny once
i was eating a curry yesterday during a scat blast
Now I have a kid
I just imagine, that the poo itself, is chocolate ice cream
the texture and colour of the curry matched some of the scat
Sounds like a slippery slope @sweatercowsandsass
I wish I had a kid to satisfy my sexual urges
You want more shit porn? @Liete
Here on dank brigade I only post the highest quality of mems
Haha so funniest
@soup dad you heard the man, he wants more
@sweatercowsandsass I dont want to see scat now I'm bedbound and this is neve distractkon