Message from @Euro Nigga
Discord ID: 532286024122892300
The teachings just make no sense to me
I like that gif @Tailed Feature
@Octavia how you doing now
Finally got around to making a cocaine synthesis.
<a:aHyperHeadBob:498335013339922432> @Octavia <a:aHyperHeadBob:498335013339922432>
@Octavia I do too but the mods keep censoring me.
Mods are biggest tryhards
@CheekyOGNutZach my head is still killing me 😖
Am one of those bag buyers tbh, but now my asda has someone standing around handing them out at the self checkouts
🇸 🇭 🇮 🇹 🇪 🇧 🇦 🇬
never forget
Helps my conscience and I don't want to do something wrong for fear of confrontation.
Basically you end up with a tryhard hippie spewing bullshit that he won't understand. @Hob
I'm assuming you're talking about reusable bags Ye?
Fuck, yeah that
can someone please skip the song on the music bot atm
i accidentally added the wrong thing
I dont know how @Potato Man
We all like to think we are going to be the next anti authority hero but am too pansy for even rebelling against bag policy
I mean reusable bags are good and all but I got shit to do don't have time for you to put your soy milk and cauliflower in your special bag
Needya to move
I'm not going to be the anti authority hero! I want to be an ordinary one
Join the Neon Nazis
Neon Nazis sound cool tbh
potential gore in cancer btw