Message from @Dead
Discord ID: 532645206156378113
Shitebag if dinnae
some good punk metal
Why the swastika
Inb4 fashwave
guess they are saying the police are nazis????
That's just sabaton tho innit
inb4 fashwave is shit
- Tea
Fashwave is shit though
ROFL, kinda like a softer anal cunt @V3xxed_G1raff3
it's because the germans wanted their own banking system without foreign inteference, so the global banks smeared them as evil hence schwastika = evil
nah this album is calling the police nazis
@Deleted User a full grown adult
who still eats crayons
Dogfood is ppman
the hell is going on in that screenshot
found one in my chair from 30 years ago
@Deleted User sorted it
orange crayola
is monica still botbanned lol?
monica aint coming in and ruining the peace lol
Jaime's sock is
Jamie's a tryhard
The real monica doesnt wanna come back
yer a gimp tea