Message from @V3xxed_G1raff3
Discord ID: 533016831980732416
**Have not been gulagged for ages**
***Have not been gulagged for ages***
actual rhombus
@Ryan Bricker whatever 🇵 🇪 🇩 🇴
Shitebag @Ryan Bricker
<:tism:437340219079917568> <-- this is ryan
@Ryan Bricker begone pedo
pedo purge now
@Sharkhash Fuck up septic
b-but im not a pedo
we need a role to identify pedos
@Ryan Bricker with that pfp we can call you anything
@Ryan Bricker ok 🇵 🇪 🇩 🇴
@Ryan Bricker wrong place wrong time
@V3xxed_G1raff3 no we don't we need them to be banned
@Ryan Bricker fuck up pedo
Or killed
oh shit i might just leave this tar pit
Either is ok for me
No Cp pedo
@Ryan Bricker Bye
🇵 🇪 🇩 🇴
"Im not a pedo"
- Pedo
big nonce
"i didnt touch kids" - jimmy saville
Shadman joins the server and shit hits the fan. I'd buy it more if I see post on his twatter
@Deleted User Bring out the good ol chris hansen
Chris hansen brotherhood anyone
You got em all worked up @spreeeeeeeee
You wear underage kids on your wrist like a watch.
@TERMIN8R Does Perverted Justice count? The group who 'worked' for him?
we dont need a role to identify pedos, anyone with an anime pfp or furry pfp
@spreeeeeeeee you like your gf's like your wine, underage
this chat is killing me hah
we need a chat where anyone can just abuse gulag'd niggas and furry niggas