Message from @fuzzyplant
Discord ID: 538073477144641546
Why am I seeing a picture of trump?
Oh it's beautiful
or soup
Guys vote for bonk
Yo, give me fat? Sign me up.
+giveme fat
I like soup
I have assigned that role.
Bonk is clearly the best choice if you check <#418503954431868928> you'd see why.
The American in me desires pure, free range lard
Nerd gets it
i am the true american patriot
Vote Atomikov! "+giveme fat"
wrong chat
Vote tshirt
@FUCK fire yeah school has big gay
Does anyone know how much of a lead bonk is in?
about to release day 1 figures
Jokes on you he already has
I’m Single tho?
I'd let Bonk fuck my wife. Karpo has STDs.
@Susie(crow) @Susie(crow) wahtcha doing in school?
@Dimorac was that originally a pic of matt heafy or Papa Het?
No idea ask skel
@AstroTorch hold that thought
Vote for Richie
He deserves it
Sadly whoever we vote for will be corrupted by the massive faggot aura of the mod team and will be faggotized within a week. 😦 R.I.P potentials this is a death march.
I won't
will he fuck me instead?