Message from @spiritupgrades
Discord ID: 538071869090431000
+giveme fat
I have removed that role.
+giveme soup
I have assigned that role.
You voted for soup?
i sware it was giving people bonk instead of me
Woah I just transported a dude thats just three years older than me. He was super fat had a stroke and now doesn’t know where he is.
Holy fuck.
@Prostagma Vote Atomikov! "+giveme fat"
@Papa Bear yo Call the ambulance dude
@Papa Bear thats sad tbh
dude he’s saying that no one would vote for you @YeetshirtNinja
Type ‘+giveme zoomer’ for a special reward!
@spiritupgrades I am the ambulance. The stroke was in the past. And I already transported him.
Aaahh k idk
@YeetshirtNinja it is tho
@spiritupgrades people say what they say im not worried about words
True just Keeping you up to date on what’s up
How long will the vote last anyways?
Oh it's beautiful
or soup
Guys vote for bonk
Yo, give me fat? Sign me up.
+giveme fat
I like soup
I have assigned that role.
Bonk is clearly the best choice if you check <#418503954431868928> you'd see why.
The American in me desires pure, free range lard
Nerd gets it
i am the true american patriot
Vote Atomikov! "+giveme fat"
wrong chat
Vote tshirt
Atomikov catches his voters with his gravitational field