Message from @42
Discord ID: 538070597905940490
The entire election is rigged, I have evidence to prove that the Scots are colluding with the Russians
If you don't vote that is a vote for me
+giveme fat
I have assigned that role.
I’m confused
Soup and Karpo will bring freedom and peace.
+giveme fat
You have a blacklisted role for this giveme. You have: Soup Voter.
+giveme soup
+giveme fat
I have removed that role.
I have assigned that role.
ok nvm
+giveme fat
I have removed that role.
+giveme soup
You voted for soup?
i sware it was giving people bonk instead of me
Woah I just transported a dude thats just three years older than me. He was super fat had a stroke and now doesn’t know where he is.
Holy fuck.
@Prostagma Vote Atomikov! "+giveme fat"
@Papa Bear yo Call the ambulance dude
@Papa Bear thats sad tbh
dude he’s saying that no one would vote for you @YeetshirtNinja
Type ‘+giveme zoomer’ for a special reward!
@spiritupgrades I am the ambulance. The stroke was in the past. And I already transported him.
Aaahh k idk
@YeetshirtNinja it is tho
@spiritupgrades people say what they say im not worried about words
True just Keeping you up to date on what’s up
How long will the vote last anyways?
Why am I seeing a picture of trump?
Oh it's beautiful
or soup