Message from @Questgiver
Discord ID: 539937679262089218
is craw a actually a twink or a trap?
Wtf is going on im so confused
i nearly doubled my poop folder size.
Ill make sure each 2 mins I can post one good one. <@&418479903571443713> also slow mode is nearly holocaust levels
Yall enjoy
Why wont my priest beat me 😦
oh there's a timer
a whitey spamming
You fucking retards look what you’ve done
And that’s why you vote for bonk
I'm not going to sleep tonight
stop it with the pings you fucking chinese niggers
This is why we cant have nice things
@Elon Musk faggot
@Questgiver i accept my fate
This is how a *real* fascist state is run, perfection.
Everybody Good!
I love getting timed out because of spamming cunts
@Questgiver Spork is still a faggot either way
you can turn it off
Section ratio general
I almost always have a ton of notifications from this discord. I just periodically check them
@shitzngigz the record was like 13,000
I was there that day.
I thought It was 14,000?
@Questgiver confirmed
@TERMIN8R genuinely no clue who you are pal, not even a meme
Never forget
@Spork molk Who knows
Slow mode makes us follow this glorious advice, praise Midship Gary
Whats tts