Message from @hotmale420360
Discord ID: 539938316288786451
@Questgiver i accept my fate
This is how a *real* fascist state is run, perfection.
Everybody Good!
Spork is a faggot if he doesnt reply in 30 seconds
I love getting timed out because of spamming cunts
@Questgiver Spork is still a faggot either way
you can turn it off
Section ratio general
I almost always have a ton of notifications from this discord. I just periodically check them
@shitzngigz the record was like 13,000
I was there that day.
I thought It was 14,000?
@Questgiver confirmed
@TERMIN8R genuinely no clue who you are pal, not even a meme
Never forget
@Spork molk Who knows
Slow mode makes us follow this glorious advice, praise Midship Gary
Whats tts
who won the election?
my mom
@Spork molk yeah because your opinion matters *so much* in the grand scheme of things.....
the fuck
@Spork molk Don't @ me whitey
Never forget
Did you steal my screenshot?
How dare you
never said it does, you seem salty. Maybe take a break @coattailsandbowties
The day TTS got beaned
God cried the day there was 13k+ pings.
TTS was great
What happened to your soi @Spork molk?
and it still is