Message from @Tit
Discord ID: 541619819649302559
I took the bait
I am the big retard
so you're saying the whites are charged more?
ladies and gents, we gottem
Fat people already pay more, all that fucking bodywash and hygiene products for the miles of fat
I never said that though
old royals shouldn't drive
Lmao gottem
you took it out of context
big thonk
Oh you don't say Atomikov
Experience comes with age though
Insurgency Sandstorm has been on sale since it released <:pepega:537028896437174292>
25- 50 take it or leave it
Memeing aside I do understand what you're getting at I think, the base rate was lowered for non-whites. they didnt increase the rate whites have to pay?
he is arguing the semantics of it
it isn't semantics
well its the definition of
it was a subsidy for ~~poor brown people~~ people of colour
Someone needs to put on *really* convincing blackface to get a discount
*can i say that in 2019*
Atomikovs autistic baiting aside that is illegal as fuck
Makes sense when whites aren’t the most well off demographic
it isnt semantics it's just irrelevant
no it wasnt, it was just for BAME nothing to do with wealth status @Atomikov
niggas broke lmao
Like mate I would be pissed if someone was like "oh u poor brown boi here is some help"
Because they’re assuming that white people are better off than everyone else
I don't care what you say, i am still voting labour
Lmao imagine not being white
Which is retarded