Message from @TBORIOT
Discord ID: 541870843139981312
my iq is 75
Real Forrest Gump s here
i didnt even take the IQ test
@Wirez how does it feel to nearly be on the septum
just went straight to college
Wait, is it mandatory in some States?
What place actually makes you do an iq test
@Turbo_Moist I'm on the spectrum
I'm on the septic of coolness
100 or above with roughly even scores in the various areas generally means "no problems"
Feels bad
if your grades are high enough i guess @Sock Wizard
***I hAVe aN IQ Of 205***
I have an iq of 5000000
I'm literally autistic
Fucking Christ why'd the phrase 'on the septum' make me lose my shit
No clue what my iq is
i dont even know
it was designed to identify problems that could be worked on, not prove how smart someone was
I have an IQ about about uh
Tree fiddy
@Turbo_Moist i see you watch rick and morty
You win a stuffed animal
Anyone who dosent take an iq test is automatically Albert einstein
At least a decimal figure
I think
It's funny how many people lie about their IQ not even understanding the number.
Now then, tell us what the number means, number Chad
No I watch jojos a real. Intellectual show
It stands for Intellectually Queer, only gay people have IQs
some autistic fuck tard in my old school said that if you didn't take an iq test you were retarded
The online ones are notoriously dogger
i aint albert einstain i got no idea what im doing
Like iq is basically just pattern recognition aptitude anyway
Chads automatically have an Iq of 60 making them legally retarded it is decided at the moment they are named chad
the bi must die
All gays are retarded
Like the Predestination perk in Everspace