Message from @Sock Wizard
Discord ID: 541870626835660802
@Todd talking about gay shit but you post that webm in <#541057363390758922>
No chads gain an extra 5 chromosomes once they are officially named chad
It his dick
78 is very low
And Todd is one of the few people whos open about being gay
My penis is in gay nsfw @Hammond_of_Texas
Well then
how can someone type with an iq of 70?
you can't get above 100% IQ, fucking morons
I got a mate with an iq of 70 he’s almost legally retarded
That isn't in percentages though
_I know_
My IQ is 85% is that bad
my iq is 75
Real Forrest Gump s here
i didnt even take the IQ test
@Wirez how does it feel to nearly be on the septum
just went straight to college
What place actually makes you do an iq test
@Turbo_Moist I'm on the spectrum
I'm on the septic of coolness
100 or above with roughly even scores in the various areas generally means "no problems"
Feels bad
if your grades are high enough i guess @Sock Wizard
***I hAVe aN IQ Of 205***
I have an iq of 5000000
I'm literally autistic
Fucking Christ why'd the phrase 'on the septum' make me lose my shit
No clue what my iq is
i dont even know
it was designed to identify problems that could be worked on, not prove how smart someone was
I have an IQ about about uh
Tree fiddy
yeah what dino said
@Turbo_Moist i see you watch rick and morty
You win a stuffed animal
Anyone who dosent take an iq test is automatically Albert einstein