Message from @Koizu
Discord ID: 542706893122961408
Here you get banned off shit for it, deplatformed etc
The rspca don’t take your dog away for criticising the government tho @AstroTorch
And every sites gay now
banned? you're joking right?
Fuck even the discord staff are furries
nah fuck it if the animal's starving or being abused kick the door down idc
that explains a lot actually
The problem with the rspca is they put animals down for literally any reason
Civilization is gay jew shit and we should go back to mudhuts
I know it’s the daily fail but still....
@Not Kebab oh I've been up an about, just getting online. Surprisingly not always the first thing I do
Tbf there shouldn't be kicking of doors near animals, one might get flashbanged again
So does PETA
They also make it incredibly difficult to adopt their dogs
Yeah peta are fucking cunts and I hope they die
They're like the Auschwitz of animal killers PETA
PETA have also funded terrorism
*returns to things I was doing*
Hahah I know arabman123
The rspca isnt even remotely comparable to peta. wipe the dribble off your chin and fuck off
Man, there was discussion of making some kind of animal police here. But the people who deal with animals are already pretty damn careful, they measure how long the chain area is (if you need to use a chain, or a running wire) and check weight and everything. They even show up with actual cops and get access to your house.
Which is fun when the dog gets stressed the fuck out, 4 strangers in the house just going room to room and flipping shit over, so the dog gets a damn panic attack, gets locked in a room by cops who manhandle your dog, then it throws up, then they try to blame it on you, yeah they did not win that case.
Allahu Akbar
@Not Kebab stop scaring me
and morning to you too