Message from @Kori Tainaka
Discord ID: 294278367224791051
What's this?
/hwndu/ discord I think
All the finest minds of 4chechen
It's mostly a britpol operation now
Godspeed anglos
wew lads
Hitler's birthday was on 4/20
so was weedman
Proof hitler was the god of the umiverse
Just when I thought reddit couldn't go any lower, it produces this
>that reddit link
🔥 🚂 🏳️🌈
they apperantly haven't even had sex yet
the tranny lets her boyfriend suck her cock though
save us, pence bot
You know one thing that I feel gets lower in efficiency the more you use it is mouse traps
That or mice are getting stronger knecks.
And especially when the mouse trap goes off and they somehow wiggle out ofit
Pence for life
>it's not gay, it's a woman with a femenine penis
I'm really liking this bot
ive never seen a bot like this
OP is a faggot
aw it didnt work
Pence! Gay
there's a cooldown