Message from @Ben Garrison

Discord ID: 443597798735085569

2018-05-09 02:09:14 UTC  

I think the Republicans were once liberal

2018-05-09 02:10:02 UTC  

Hey didn't the Democrats originally believe in slavery

2018-05-09 02:10:29 UTC  

back then, every black guy was Republican. The Republicans were against slavery

2018-05-09 02:11:29 UTC  

@Ben Garrison I think I'm an old-fashion liberal, kind of like Alex Jones

2018-05-09 02:12:18 UTC  

Don't really know at this point lol

2018-05-09 02:13:01 UTC  

The American idea of liberal is skewed. When the word liberal is used in a historical or European context it means classical liberalism, which is what we might associate with conservatism in America

2018-05-09 02:13:28 UTC  

ah makes more sense

2018-05-09 02:13:45 UTC  

In that sense the Republican Party has always been and still is a liberal party

2018-05-09 02:14:06 UTC  

Well, for the most part. There's a lot of neo-conservative elements in the Party now

2018-05-09 02:14:17 UTC  

so the Democrats are conservative

2018-05-09 02:15:34 UTC  

The Democrats were conservative at one point, and in the old school sense of the word too. Now they're better described as "progressive" even though that word has been transformed from its original context too

2018-05-09 02:15:34 UTC  

that's a long paragraph to say "yes"

2018-05-09 02:15:50 UTC  


2018-05-09 02:16:51 UTC  

so the Republicans were the union

2018-05-09 02:16:56 UTC  

and the Democrats were the confederacy

2018-05-09 02:17:00 UTC  

or no

2018-05-09 02:17:10 UTC  


2018-05-09 02:17:26 UTC  

***shit remove the rank***

2018-05-09 02:18:01 UTC  

wow it just got complicated af, its like I want to be conservative Republican, but its democrat

2018-05-09 02:18:06 UTC  

That was back when Democrats were undeniably the conservative party that represented agrarian interests and the Republicans represented more urban interests

2018-05-09 02:19:16 UTC  

It's just names really. There was a massive shift in the mid 20th century with all the Civil Rights stuff where the parties turned upside down on a lot of issues

2018-05-09 02:19:31 UTC  

well now I don't know rather to be conservative or liberal

2018-05-09 02:19:50 UTC  

Rofl, back at square 1

2018-05-09 02:20:05 UTC  

Got our asses backwards here

2018-05-09 02:20:21 UTC  

you know I don't really know what to say

2018-05-09 02:21:09 UTC  

guess I'm an old fashion Republican?

2018-05-09 02:21:47 UTC  

Or I could just call myself a Republican Libertarian

2018-05-09 02:22:02 UTC  

@Ben Garrison That fit?

2018-05-09 02:23:45 UTC  

Yeah, a lot of Republicans lean pretty heavily libertarian

2018-05-09 02:24:05 UTC  

still mean I could be a Civic Nationalist right

2018-05-09 02:25:55 UTC  


2018-05-09 02:27:33 UTC  

aight boi, Republican Libertarian Civic Nationalist that believes in multilateralism

2018-05-09 02:27:35 UTC  

bam bitch

2018-05-09 02:27:39 UTC  


2018-05-09 04:02:59 UTC  

who cares about what the terms are

2018-05-09 04:03:11 UTC  

Just be a freethinker

2018-05-09 04:27:14 UTC  

Right Libertarian, damn right

2018-05-09 04:27:48 UTC  

The terms don't control my opinion, my opinion controls the term

2018-05-09 04:31:01 UTC  

That's some wise words you got there

2018-05-09 13:55:20 UTC  

There are also other brands of nationalism too. Such as cultural nationalism, which defines the nation on the basis of culture, religious nationalism, which does the same but in terms of religion, etc. I'd consider myself a cultural nationalist. I know there isn't one united American culture as of right now, but there should be. And I think that such a culture should favor duty, discipline, self-sacrifice, and traditional Christianity (as opposed to the new age hippie Christianity that modernists preach)

2018-05-09 13:59:47 UTC  

And I realize that once this new culture is established. It will be exclusively American as it should be, and foreigners will have a hard time comprehending it. This is alright though, since we're American and they're not. It would be like a British person trying to understand Chinese culture. Or vice versa.