Message from @wahx

Discord ID: 539982297277923339

2019-01-30 01:14:50 UTC  

That was the stuff

2019-01-30 01:14:58 UTC  
2019-01-30 01:15:20 UTC

2019-01-30 01:15:35 UTC  

What do you guys think?

2019-01-30 01:18:04 UTC  

I have a good guess as to what they'll say

2019-01-30 01:19:02 UTC  

What is that from?

2019-01-30 01:19:09 UTC  

My textbook 😎

2019-01-30 01:19:19 UTC  

I’d say this creates roughly two camps

2019-01-30 01:20:00 UTC  

“Whatever views i have on immigration, i disagree with the KKK and its history of brutalization and bigotry”

2019-01-30 01:20:08 UTC  


2019-01-30 01:20:13 UTC  

“The KKK was right”

2019-01-30 01:23:27 UTC  

I think the really harsh opinion on immigration, like deporting hard working families who have committed no crime might be a coverup for "I don't like spics, deport them"

2019-01-30 01:25:12 UTC  

but saying that triggers an npc like response . "Muh racism"

2019-01-30 01:25:52 UTC  

You’re all npcs 😎

2019-01-30 01:27:21 UTC  

That's so dehumanizing, I'm literally shaking and crying rn

2019-01-30 01:32:49 UTC  

@Mr1Gonzalez thanks lets do it again sometime. You gave the original this time so I'll try to do one that you can critique. The sources you just mentioned say that small business were hurt because of the recession, and make no mention of a minimum wage increase, which is what we are talking about. Can't equate recession = minimum wage increase.

2019-01-30 01:34:10 UTC  

Min wage increases have generally little effect if you factor out recessions

2019-01-30 01:35:51 UTC  

On the health of the economy, that is

2019-01-30 01:36:34 UTC  

yeah that's what most studies I've found say

2019-01-30 01:36:52 UTC  

it's an imperfect way to help poor people for sure

2019-01-30 01:36:57 UTC  

but it is *a* way

2019-01-30 01:37:37 UTC  

if it were tied to inflation we might have more cause to deal with inflation quickly

2019-01-30 02:00:51 UTC  

Let’s do this in an accounting perspective, since I am qualified to be an accountant.
Total Revenue - Cost of Goods Sold = Gross Profit.
If revenues equal $500,000 per year
and costs of goods sold is $400,000
Then the gross profits are $100,000 in a year.
Let’s assume this made up company has only 10 employees making the wages of $7.25 per hour which = $150,800 per year out of the costs of goods sold which means the rest of the costs would be $249,200. This is a realistic scenario. However, if the minimum wages increase to $15 per hour as proposed and the owner gladly keeps his employees he would be then paying $312,000 per year for all 10 employees and increasing his costs to $561,200 which would put his company at a gross loss of -$61,200 per year. Therefore any claim that “min wage increases have generally little effect” on a small company is a blatant lie made by ignorant people. There is absolutely Zero studies that can disprove simple math and finances. Companies need to adjust to these wage increases to survive by increasing prices or paying off workers (at the very least reduce overhead). It’s common sense.

2019-01-30 02:00:58 UTC  
2019-01-30 02:20:33 UTC  

Then it sounds like it’s a company that can’t afford to pay its employees a living wage and shouldn’t exist

2019-01-30 02:22:17 UTC  

On a separate note I’d support legislation that lowers taxes when the ratio of least payed to most payed is is close to 1

2019-01-30 02:23:46 UTC  

Also you’re thinking of a micro situation and applying it to macro situation

2019-01-30 02:30:29 UTC  

That’s actually a high end situation since most businesses don’t make a profit of $100,000 a year

2019-01-30 02:31:20 UTC  

But saying a once successful company shouldn’t exist because they got hit with an unexpected expenditure is pretty harsh especially coming from a liberal.

2019-01-30 02:33:21 UTC  

That’s especially not something any entrepreneur is going to want to hear. Just that statement alone cost you about 25 million votes.

2019-01-30 02:55:39 UTC  

Not an unexpected expenditure, the requirement to pay a living wage

2019-01-30 02:55:51 UTC  

That’s ok I’m not running for public office

2019-01-30 02:56:06 UTC  

Well yeah most small business fail, of course most don’t get to 100,000

2019-01-30 02:56:21 UTC  

But I didn’t say it was a high end situation, I said it was a micro situation

2019-01-30 03:11:48 UTC  

Define micro situation

2019-01-30 03:11:54 UTC  

That’s not a common term

2019-01-30 03:12:59 UTC  

Also living wages fluctuate per person. That’s a subjective statement.

2019-01-30 03:22:17 UTC  

And also why would a business be entirely reliant on paying all of its employees minimum wage

2019-01-30 03:23:25 UTC  

A business dependent on paying all of its workers minimum wage just to stay afloat probably wouldn’t survive long anyways

2019-01-30 03:23:37 UTC  

With or without a wage hike