Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 488405176235851796

2018-09-09 17:31:01 UTC  

maybe even investigated himself

2018-09-09 17:32:01 UTC  

FBI doesnt investigate anything, its a political party

2018-09-09 17:32:35 UTC  

if they investigated things they would stop things like the Parkland or vegas shooter

2018-09-09 17:32:53 UTC  

who cares about him, he is not newsworthy

2018-09-09 17:35:06 UTC  

he is not even mentioned on Fox or CNN pages

2018-09-09 17:35:31 UTC  

Trump won fair and square

2018-09-09 17:35:35 UTC  

it wasnt even close

2018-09-09 17:36:42 UTC  

because its been proven

2018-09-09 17:38:31 UTC  

well, for 1 its been proven that the left cheated in historic ways, so really no need to investigate further, he won either wayy

2018-09-09 17:39:13 UTC  

once you remove the dead and illegal votes hillary didnt even win the popular votes

2018-09-09 17:40:27 UTC  

i cant help it that i'm right

2018-09-09 17:40:37 UTC  

i call it like it is

2018-09-09 17:40:56 UTC  

I was saying what the FBI said when they requested the full six month sentence

2018-09-09 17:42:22 UTC  

so are you

2018-09-09 17:42:36 UTC  

You’re asking for proof of a negative. By that standard Obama must have stolen the election too. You know, because we didn’t have an open ended FBI investigation that lasted years about it.

2018-09-09 17:43:18 UTC  

Prove Trump didn’t win the election fair and square. You are making the claim. Prove it.

2018-09-09 17:43:57 UTC  

sorry 1 person does not change an election, its retarded

2018-09-09 17:45:59 UTC  

exactly, goes back to my point that Trump is your president

2018-09-09 17:46:23 UTC  

all is well in america

2018-09-09 17:47:17 UTC  

the dem's are going to be embarrassed in these midterms

2018-09-09 17:47:48 UTC  

So you have nothing.

That’s what I thought.

2018-09-09 17:48:35 UTC  

What Papadopoulos did before talking to the FBI was legal. You can’t prove otherwise.

2018-09-09 17:49:08 UTC  

You have nothing but baseless speculation.

2018-09-09 17:49:37 UTC  


2018-09-09 17:49:45 UTC  

lol, so wrong

2018-09-09 17:50:21 UTC  

George Papadopoulos didnt even do anything, and trying to link Trump to something based on no evidence is crazy dude

2018-09-09 17:50:49 UTC  

like you should probably go to the doctor, you might have TDS

2018-09-09 17:51:42 UTC  

Mueller indictment of Russians for interfering in the 2016 election. A few things about this indictment.

1. It doesn’t accuse any Americans of wrong doing. The FBI has explicitly stated that the no Americans are being accused in the press conference about this indictment. This includes Trump, and everyone in his campaign.

2. No vote is claimed to have been affected by these events.

3. The Russians are accused of making fake accounts, online personas, and RL identities to spread propaganda in favor of Black Lives Matter, Sanders and Trump. Also Facebook ads were purchased, and a few events were planned.

4. The actual crimes here are related to identity theft, fraud and the obfuscation of being foreign agents.

5. Indictments are not proof of guilt.

Indictment of 13 Russian intelligence officers 7/13/18 . They are charged with hacking Hillary campaign members, DNC and DCCC .No American citizen is accused in this, and no effect on the election is claimed. The accused hackers are also said to have hacked Republicans and released this information along side democrat information. (Organization 1) is thought to be Wikileaks. An indictment is not proof of guilt. Most of the "evidence" used against the "Russians" is inadmissible due to chain of custody issues with the scans of the DNC server.

2018-09-09 17:52:09 UTC  

Show me where Trump is indicated in either of those. You can’t.

2018-09-09 17:52:18 UTC  

ooooh a document lol

2018-09-09 17:54:01 UTC  

Here’s the press conference for both indictments. In both no America, including the president, is implicated.

Rosenstien press conference on indictment of Russians in 2016 election meddling. Specificity states that no America was involved, and all parties, named and unnamed, are presumed innocent. Also says that Russians didn’t alter the election outcome.

Rosenstien press conference on Russian hacking indictments during the 2016 election. Clearly states that no vote was changed, and the election was not effected. Also no Americans involved. Just like the previous indictments.

2018-09-09 17:55:17 UTC  

I’m going to do some speculation. This nazi guy is fake. He’s here to spread disinformation and troll people.

2018-09-09 17:55:54 UTC  

Documents Link Putin’s ‘Favorite’ Oligarch and Obama Official Who Aided Author of Anti-Trump Dossier: I wonder where is it... I'm not buying the "theyre waiting on the IG report cuz Special counsel could get the IG report early.

2018-09-09 17:56:08 UTC  

Also why cry about it now, sore loser?
"POLITICO spoke with more than a dozen current and former officials from across the national security spectrum, including intelligence agencies, the State Department and the Pentagon. Almost all said they were aware of Russia’s aggressive cyberespionage and disinformation campaigns — especially after the dramatic Russian attempt to hack Ukrainian elections in 2014 — but felt that either the White House or key agencies were unwilling to act forcefully to counter the Russian actions."

2018-09-09 17:56:45 UTC  

My guess is that Mueller & Rosenstein will not be pursing the criminal case through this treaty, as they already know their evidence is based entirely on rumor and therefore useless in any proof-based courtroom. And at that point I would hope Trump would fire both Mueller and Rosenstein, as they will have proven beyond a shadow of reasonable doubt their entire investigation has been based on a partisan political attack against Trump, and not on any due diligence in accord with a criminal case?

2018-09-09 17:57:14 UTC  

And Obama issued EO to let all spy agencies share info, right before inaguration.. On his way out, makes u think:

2018-09-09 17:57:35 UTC  

The DOJ's indictment for Lee was for HRC email indictments and his case was also burried by FBI (in DC) during Obama rea. Russia bought that data and used it to harm Americans The case thankfully revved up this year with followin arrest. It was languished for “unclear reasons” in obama years.

2018-09-09 17:57:44 UTC  

You have no evidence that Trump was involved in anything.

In addition to all this , both indictments clearly state, as do the press conferences, that not a single vote was changed. This guy is fake news.

2018-09-09 17:58:27 UTC  

This happened during Obama Administration Why didn't they do osmething about it? Obama was informed by the FBI in September, which was before Election. And they were clearly affiliated with Clinton Campaign. I wonder where was the DNC server and why FBI didnt take possesion of it. Even Putin accused them of doing it lmao.

2018-09-09 17:58:27 UTC  
2018-09-09 17:59:25 UTC  

@powerlifter exactly