Message from @Napoleon Bonaparte

Discord ID: 506011213801455627

2018-10-27 12:53:20 UTC  

It obviously lagged behind, comparing the Soviet Union to the west is like comparing apples to oranges

2018-10-27 12:53:41 UTC  

By the tide of the century the Russian empire was still agrarian and rural.

2018-10-27 12:53:56 UTC  

Whereas the German empire and the UK industrialised long ago.

2018-10-27 12:54:40 UTC  

Still, they caught up very fast, just 40 years after the Russian revolution they launched the first satellite into space.

2018-10-27 13:05:42 UTC  

I know

2018-10-27 13:05:49 UTC  

life expectancy even went down

2018-10-27 13:05:53 UTC  

after the USSR collapsed

2018-10-27 13:06:02 UTC  

and didnt get to the same level until something like 2004

2018-10-27 13:15:03 UTC  


2018-10-27 13:24:58 UTC  

Socialism shall return someday.

2018-10-27 19:20:50 UTC  

What does everyone think of Roe v wade

2018-10-27 19:22:01 UTC  

it's the devil

2018-10-27 20:07:59 UTC  


2018-10-27 20:08:03 UTC  

Ban the Supreme Court

2018-10-27 22:43:05 UTC  

I think that people shouldn't have the right to kill living things but I don't think the government shouldn't force them to follow that rule.

2018-10-27 22:59:08 UTC  


2018-10-28 06:54:54 UTC  

@Crasseus are you going to explain why

2018-10-28 07:08:49 UTC  

why reform the NSA? @Alix

2018-10-28 07:17:53 UTC  


"And Obama issued EO to let all spy agencies share info, right before inaguration.. On his way out, makes u think"
The update enhances privacy protection, while also modernising how CIA does things.
The link above is written by one of the world's leading experts on US national security, former AAG for National Security at DOJ, David Kris. Very detailed.

2018-10-28 07:23:23 UTC  

@A White Guy Named Je'Crispy#8269
" Brennan spied on Congressional senate staffers and hacked into their computers and then lie about it under oath"
The doc shows CIA did no such spying on senate staff.
That is a lie.

Further, Clapper was telling the truth.
Wyden and all of Congress was informed on the CDR metadata collection under 215 - Clapper however, thought he was responding in regards to FAA 702. This is highlighted even in his letter.
You can tell he was referring to it even in the hearing.

2018-10-28 07:47:54 UTC  

I mean the bombs could’ve been fake

2018-10-28 07:48:10 UTC  

So that they could put another frame on us

2018-10-28 07:48:37 UTC  

I heard from one guy in a different server talk about them

2018-10-28 07:48:40 UTC  


2018-10-28 08:49:11 UTC  

they weren't fake

2018-10-28 08:49:15 UTC  

FBI director confirms

2018-10-28 13:47:24 UTC  

“ Pittsburgh synagogue suspect Robert Bowers hated Trump- for not hating Jews “ by Kelly Weill on Daily Beast

DB admits shooter was anti Trump. People calling him the “ MAGA Shooter” are spreading fake news.

2018-10-28 17:47:07 UTC  

Gab found another host!

2018-10-28 18:35:39 UTC  

“ Dems: Criticizing Soros and Tom Styer is Anti-Semitic

Remember when that Netflix CEO was fired over using a racial slur in a none aggressive context? This CNN host just used a slur for Jews. Wonder if anything will happen?

2018-10-28 22:05:00 UTC  

Look at David’s audience calling for violence. Not just the caller. Read the comments . This audience has threaded to kill me multiple times for the opinions I’ve shared.

2018-10-28 22:32:24 UTC  

According to Wikipedia a study that searched for hate words found them in 5.4% of posts. So 94.6% of Gab is just fine. Twitter was almost the same. Just better by slightly over half.

2018-10-28 23:05:31 UTC  

Minister Farrakhan of The Nation of Islam calls Jews termites on twitter. This was ruled by twitter to not be a violation of the TOS. Twitter has also not been kicked from any web hosts of payment processors like Gab. It’s still there. Really activates the almonds.

2018-10-28 23:49:03 UTC  

“ Campbell Soup Co. Executive is out after tweeting George Soros conspiracy theory” by Catie Keck on Gizmodo

A man was fired from his job as a Campbell Soup for expressing his opinion on the “ philanthropy” of Soros on his personal twitter. Soros being a billionaire highly involved in international politics.You will literally lose your job for speaking truth to power now.

2018-10-29 02:04:12 UTC  

Gab is officially in its transition period, and is offline . This is the message you get when signing in.

2018-10-29 04:32:41 UTC  


2018-10-29 04:32:56 UTC  

right-wing terrorists will have no platforms

2018-10-29 04:38:29 UTC  

nor normal conservatives

2018-10-29 04:59:46 UTC  

Gab aint dead

2018-10-29 07:17:24 UTC  

Implying thats the platform of right wing terrorism 😂 👌
Tip top lel

2018-10-29 08:00:26 UTC  

@Leiro レイロ Let's hope that Socialism never comes back. It's a flawed system. You can point criticism at capitalism, and that's fair, but socialism ignores a key component of human nature -- those who are capable and those who are not. I have witnessed it first hand as an immigrant from a post soviet bloc. Small scale communities hold each other in check and it works but if you extend it to a national scale, or perhaps global, the bottom drags down the rest and demoralizes the rest. Productivity falls, and very few are willing to work and contribute to a system that hands out resources equally, regadless of how "productive" you have been.

2018-10-29 08:51:56 UTC  

@Arkaboo Socialism would come back, it's inevitable, whether the bourgeois capitalists engage in class warfare against the working class or not. It's the natural progression of society according to historical materialism, as noted by Marx. The "human nature" argument towards socialism is flawed and has been debunked time and time again. Your conflating "human nature" with "human behaviour" under varying circumstances. Our behaviour is influenced by the values and customs society propagates and forces us to believe in. We aren't born as racists nor bigots, the capitalist jungle conditions our mind into competitive and vicious ways of thinking and acting. However, if we condition our minds and live in a society where we act with rationality and think for the greater good, there is no reason not to do so.

What your describing is primitive communism/socialism. Productivity would increase greatly under socialism even at capitalism's game point, socialism isn't a system built on the few who work. Socialism isn't egalitarian in any way. Resources are at the expense of the public and the people as a whole, not the capitalists or anyone else.