Message from @Dysk
Discord ID: 553403719203684352
What are you gonna cry?
Piss your pants maybe?
Maybe shit and cum?
Antisemitism fuels atrocities. What fuels antisemitism?
The national emergency checks out
Build the wall
My school is talking about global warming.,
And its kinda hard to straight up say "its not real".
With proof.
It is real, it's just not real in the sense they are teaching you.
That is to say, the world is getting hotter. It just does this naturally.
It's scientific fact that it has done this many times before since the last ice age.
Also, it will cool down again equally naturally, as part of the cycle.
Global warming is real but it’s not a pressing issue
do yall believe your knowledge of global climate superior to that of united nations scientists?
or those of nasa?
its not rocketscience :dab:
Well really I mean in the long run there will be a natural cooling and another ice age, pretty much whatever humans do.
Unless there is a MAD nuclear war, and the planet is wrecked forever.
Probably not my most serious take ever, but plausible I think.
climate change is an existential threat for human kind
I mean
Sure, the climate has changed in the past
But also in the past there were dinosaurs at the poles and 400ft higher seas. It’s up to you to decide.
Unless you’re a big fan of dinosaurs, I guess.
to be pedantic, its still technically up to you to decide (x
No, by that I mean if you’re a big fan of dinosaurs I will refuse to let you decide
Yang 2020
who's gonna fix and make the robots
Nobody. We will shoot the robots
our benevolent technocratic leaders of course