Message from @Tophet

Discord ID: 447686896177381378

2018-05-20 09:04:42 UTC  

isnt that what people did back when cruel and unusual punishments were normal

2018-05-20 09:04:48 UTC  

make them feel as much pain as they have caused

2018-05-20 09:04:51 UTC  


2018-05-20 09:04:55 UTC  

but then people decided thats too much

2018-05-20 09:05:02 UTC  

and banned it in most statse

2018-05-20 09:05:05 UTC  


2018-05-20 09:05:08 UTC  

now it's illegal to inflict unecessary pain for good reason

but that was only the physical aspect of it, this doesn't actually inflict any physical pain life in prision.

2018-05-20 09:05:30 UTC  

correct me if im wrong but im pretty sure theres a few statse that still allow it

what it does it makes the person have to contemplate the reality of their action and how it might have affected other people.

2018-05-20 09:05:49 UTC  

well maybe not allow it but are just not as strict as other states

So an argument against the death penalty is not that it is 'more cruel' infact one could argue that
It doesn't make the criminal think about their action for very long it's an 'easy way out'

2018-05-20 09:06:50 UTC  


so what if a pro-choice person have that train of thought

therefore it contradicts your original statement

2018-05-20 09:07:07 UTC  

he does have a point

because there's nothing conflicting about a pro-choice person having that opinion.

so that's why i think it's a jump in logic

because it's a fallacy of composition it assumes pro-choice people are monolithic and have all the same thought process on two seperate issues.

2018-05-20 09:07:51 UTC  

well you guys have fun with this, ima head off cuz its 2 am

2018-05-20 09:07:53 UTC  


2018-05-20 09:07:55 UTC  

You are missing the point

2018-05-20 09:08:06 UTC  

@Tophet lol good night

maybe because i'm less interested in 'slandering' the opposing side and more interested in the 'debate' and 'logic' side of it.

it's more about being intellectually honest to me than just saying things that make the other side look 'bad'

2018-05-20 09:09:04 UTC  

@🌼Kalina🌹🌸🌹Zay🌹🌸🌹Scott🌼 The death penalty is about protecting those left behind. It isn't a "way out" but "a safer way forward"

2018-05-20 09:09:17 UTC  

"maybe because i'm less interested in 'slandering' the opposing side and more interested in the 'debate' and 'logic' side of it.
it's more about being intellectually honest to me than just saying things that make the other side look 'bad'"

Are you high???

maximum security prisons can also protect people left behind so your argument is quite moot.

2018-05-20 09:11:01 UTC  

I have slandered nobody here. To even consider abortion when it is unnecessary is disgusting beyond comprehension! Because it fits the definition of murder (killing without just cause) and it is an unborn child!

the medical definition of a child doesn't apply here if we're playing semantics

so you're making a appeal to emotion

rather then basing it in facts.

2018-05-20 09:11:57 UTC  

"maximum security prisons can also protect people left behind so your argument is quite moot." True. I am not saying that there is no alternative. I am saying your understanding of the death penalty is broken.

an unborn child is a logical non sequiter

the death penalty is nothing but an 'easy way out' for criminals who've done awful things

2018-05-20 09:12:15 UTC  

Are you retarded?

2018-05-20 09:12:33 UTC  

Define child, if we are going to play this game

2018-05-20 09:12:35 UTC  

To be fair that's an arbitrary language delineation and topics like murder are pretty inherently emotional

2018-05-20 09:12:44 UTC  


so nothing means anything?

2018-05-20 09:13:01 UTC  
