Message from @DragonAshe

Discord ID: 545077294134460427

2019-02-13 03:00:25 UTC  

That's not fair

2019-02-13 03:00:31 UTC  

I explained the full idea that I was trying to express

2019-02-13 03:00:38 UTC  

because you did not clarify, you tried to clarify

2019-02-13 03:00:39 UTC  

am I not allowed to recover with an explanation?

2019-02-13 03:00:45 UTC  

But I did clarify

2019-02-13 03:00:49 UTC  

How did I not clarify?

2019-02-13 03:00:54 UTC  

"making someone cry isn't harassment" and "causing another person to cry in fear is harassment" are not contradictory to you?

2019-02-13 03:01:08 UTC  

you have said both

2019-02-13 03:01:12 UTC  

What is the point that is trying to be made

2019-02-13 03:01:14 UTC  

Its not making someone cry alone that's harassment. I failed to mention the intent.

2019-02-13 03:01:22 UTC  

The second statement is my actual point

2019-02-13 03:01:29 UTC  

And seriously, I used crying as an example

2019-02-13 03:01:31 UTC  

there we go 😃 intent to cause fear then?

2019-02-13 03:01:38 UTC  


2019-02-13 03:01:47 UTC  

You think I believe the law literally has a claus about tears??

2019-02-13 03:01:53 UTC  

God no

2019-02-13 03:01:53 UTC  

nah I do not

2019-02-13 03:01:59 UTC  

Okay then I'm confused.

2019-02-13 03:02:14 UTC  

about what?

2019-02-13 03:02:31 UTC  

"causing another person to cry in fear is harassment"

I added "in fear" we're talking about intent. Isn't that the clarification you were looking for?

2019-02-13 03:02:33 UTC  

And why wasn't it good enough?

2019-02-13 03:02:41 UTC  

It's like you're arguing wtih me about a point I'm not making

2019-02-13 03:02:47 UTC  

If you actually hear me, then you'll know what I'm saying.

2019-02-13 03:03:05 UTC  

Making someone cry can happen without bullying

2019-02-13 03:03:09 UTC  

Or fear

2019-02-13 03:03:13 UTC  


2019-02-13 03:03:14 UTC  

dude, I have no idea what point you're making because you can't decide if causing someone to cry is harassment or not, until recently when you redefined it to mean: intending to cause fear or harm

2019-02-13 03:03:20 UTC  

That's why I clarified what I meant

2019-02-13 03:03:34 UTC  

Can't decide?

2019-02-13 03:03:39 UTC  

I said it once and immediately clarified

2019-02-13 03:03:46 UTC  

YOU wouldn't let my first sentence go

2019-02-13 03:03:52 UTC  

actually you didn't until you said "I failed to mention the intent."

2019-02-13 03:03:53 UTC  

You refused to accept my clarification

2019-02-13 03:04:02 UTC  

I DID when I brought up the fucking intent

2019-02-13 03:04:06 UTC  

You can make someone cry without fear or bullying. You could have said something nice or inspirational, or something that was sad.

2019-02-13 03:04:06 UTC  

but I am not confused now

2019-02-13 03:04:19 UTC  

Yes Srowder, I made that point above

2019-02-13 03:04:27 UTC  

If you walk up to a 10 year old girl and start screaming at her and insulting her and she starts crying then that is bad

2019-02-13 03:04:33 UTC  

no shit

2019-02-13 03:04:40 UTC  

in some cultures that's actually a pretty baller move

2019-02-13 03:04:42 UTC  

And if you continue to harass her, that is a crime