Message from @cqc

Discord ID: 348120051838222336

No one was leading anyway

2017-08-18 14:52:24 UTC  

^ this

Just a bunch of people from different parts of the right speaking

2017-08-18 14:53:46 UTC  

Where do they get the impression that Spencer was leading it

@cqc white nationalisrs were one group there

There were other right wing groups there too

Tell your friend that unlike the left the right has diversity of opinion

Also Richard Spencer is not a white supremacist

He is a white advocate and identitarian

He said in multiple occasions he doesn't believe whites are inherintly Superior

2017-08-18 14:55:46 UTC  

no one leads the right

2017-08-18 14:56:46 UTC  

Here's what he said in response
"Every poster I could find for the rally listed Richard Spencer, a known white nationalist, as the top attendee."
"the left has diversity of opinion except for intolerance"

Ask him what is intolerance? Is he tolerant of nationalism? Even civic nationalism that has no racial element?

Also tell him that white nationalist does not mean white supremacist

Those are two different things

2017-08-18 15:00:16 UTC  

"He believes in white supremacy. He is by definition a white supremacist. "Indentarian", "Alt-right", and "White advocate" are just political BS to make their movement sound like something other than it is: racism."

2017-08-18 15:00:31 UTC  

he cited this pic

Ask him what supremacist means

Also ask him to share proof that Spencer believes minorities should be slaves to whites.

2017-08-18 15:04:18 UTC  

No better way to debate these kinds of people than by fiercely insisting they back up their beliefs and speaking points

2017-08-18 15:04:48 UTC  

they'll either give up and resort to belittling you or mash together some hodgepodge of "sources"

2017-08-18 15:05:35 UTC  

I could use some pics to back up my side of things here

A white supremacist believes minorities should be slaves to whites. That whites should have supremecy to non whites. A white nationalist believes that non whites shouldn't live in a white homeland and be peacefully deported. Big difference. Spencer never advocated whites ruling over other races

Spencer said multiple times that slavery is wrong and it was a mistake. A white supremacist would never say that.

2017-08-18 15:08:00 UTC  

My friend: "Not a huge difference. You are supporting a man who believes in ethnic cleansing"

A white supremacist would say that it is whites right to rule over blacks because whites are superior to blackd

Tell your friend that he needs to choose his words more carefully and actually understand the definition of words and names

2017-08-18 15:10:08 UTC  

What would a white nationalist say on that last "An X would say" point?

2017-08-18 15:11:10 UTC  

My friend: " The "alt-right" can play name games all they like. It does not disguise the fact that they side with the KKK, with Neo-nazis, with white supremacists."

Idk buddy ur friend is a lost cause

He thinks everyone who advocates for white interests is a supremacist.... In that case 90% of blacks are supremacist for voting obama

I mean you could always point out the JQ and the fact that Jews are the ones pushing this shit so the ADL is a terrible and biased source on Richard Spencer but I doubt he would listen

And sjws side with the black panthers

Is black supramacy inherantly more moral than white supremacy?

2017-08-18 15:17:29 UTC  

My friend:

What are white interests, exactly?

White people have never been barred from public schools or higher institutions of learning.

White people have never had their identity and culture stolen.

The white protestors in Charlottesville marched down the street with automatic weapons and the police did nothing. Minorities have been maxed and beaten for much less.

I don't believe in any kind of supremacy. Whites face no discrimination of any kind.

The "White interests" movement isn't angry because whites are disenfranchised, they are angry because they are not the only voice in the conversation anymore.

2017-08-18 15:17:53 UTC  


2017-08-18 15:18:55 UTC  

He also said this:
"Your "anti-PC" beliefs may not be inherently racist, but it's a damn good camouflage for those that are."

Yes white people have been disposessed in regards to community family and Christianity. Yes we are barred from education and work due to affirmative action policies. No unite the right didn't want to engage with antifa they were forced into antifa territory by riot police.

Hopes that answers his questions

2017-08-18 15:21:51 UTC  

Could you elaborate on that first part a little?