Message from @Klipkop (Clip-Cop)
Discord ID: 477860781463961611
Ek gat maar eers sleep, cheers vir eers ouens
Jerm: Quick roll-call:
Who here is a patron? I want to add you to the Patreon chat room. (It's a private room.)
Is this private room with or without touching?
With a Kop like a Klip I hope it is WITH touching!!! 😂
😂 😂 😂 😂
Official snack of the revolution
Lol, any of you on Willem Petzers discord?
@MikeyMike Maybe... why?
Hehe, the blow up in the info wars section.
Ha ha, I go check in there every now and again, it is hilarious!
Invite them here. They're on the same side as us, so it might be nice to have some crossover.
I'm actually supposed to be doing a video with Willem soon. I turned him down a few weeks ago.
I see you have @Rendier as a moderator in here. This will get interesting 😆
All these chat rooms are good. We need to start gathering the disciples so that we can go out and preach the gospel.
Is there an invite link to this server that doesnt expire?
Pinned, I think.
On #puchback, thanks!
Behind the scenes on a live Chinese product for mass surveillance - image and object classification, including matches against a (mock) police database.
Left arm nogal
On a side note, I'm a bit babalaas today. How about you?
All good. Did my first official 10km run race this morning.