Message from @rob
Discord ID: 471332470634184704
I read somewhere - can't find it now, that the WWII gyros had to be readjusted by eye and had by pilot
how would you correct for level in the sky
without a level horizon
guys you see - this is why i don't do FE - takes too much time
but everytime I've gone down a road, it was proven nonsense
why can't the FE ers provide a working model
Cessna 172 that flies at 100kph REALLY can't land on a runway which is moving at twice the speed of sound. The only way the Cessna could land on that runway is if it was moving at 1700kph in the first place.
when they can I'll look at it again hehe
I hear you newscat, but consider that our lack of a unified theory of science is largely because gravity doesn't fit quantum mechanics
man yeah that's another dinger
lol no dejay, you're moving relative to the earth
those were debunked as well
what would be cool is if we could find a really good laser
that doesnt disperse a lot over looooong distance
@Newscat ZA Relativity is an unproven theory - you can't prove a theory with another theory.
then send it from one ship over flat water loooong distance
and see on other ship if the laser is higher
Try searching "flat earth laser test" on YT
yeah, but some of the laser tests were flawed
made in the USA
woah are we spelling/grammer nazis here 😄
he spelt it correctly
its cool I'm just joking
but if you want Murican lazers
We have already established that I am the worst typist of them all.
I've just finished watching that manhunt serious on the UNABOMer
language clues....
Oh I downloaded it for my Dad. Don't watch much TV anymore. Haven't had Dstv in over 10 years.
yeah you FE'ers are pretty wacky 😄
Also Dinosaurs are bullshit but Giants are real.
Ok so let's see what comes next, just after Flat Earth... Wake up sleepers, time to level up. What will it be? If you thought Flat Earth was whack, check this out.
there is no accent quite as cynical as cynical russian ^