Message from @$P!KY\/!k!NG
Discord ID: 471435390499291136
I am sympathetic to wagner's controversial views, something along the lines of if music(art) is done just using clever tricks(shock or sex) then it is no longer art but propaganda
think in relation to our modern journalism, where previously the story might lead the journalist
but now the journalist just writes what they already know
similarly in music just using techniques without letting god flow through you into your music is propaganda, not art
@rob They burnt books ridiculing christ or anything that was against christianity. They also burnt all literature that contained or promoted immorality (in the christian sense).
still, I don't think we should be burning the books, even if the intention comes from the right place(if that is possible) it descends into populist mayhem
@rob agreed
@Sheamus Oh so the killing and driving out of thousands of ethnic germans from their homeland was not enough reason for retaliation???
@KoninginTanja Well yeah he went insane near the end they say. But his intentions were correct and biblically sound.
@$P!KY\/!k!NG honestly dude, you've proven to reject the two great commandments yourself as stipulated by Christ, you've rejected Christian teachings by claim of questionable witnesses, and now you are trying to justify the wrongs that Christ specifically corrected from what you've (((heard))), which the pharisees and scribes been teaching incorrectly. Now you are trying to worship Hitler which definitely is a questionable follower of Christ... I really do not need to continue this, but like i said, if you wish to be a PC, then have at that label, we all now know who and what you are. And spamming Nazi propaganda will likely draw attention to you, so might want to take that to info-wars instead, seems more suitable your that group.
@Sheamus Not an argument as usual.
I have rejected no commandments.
I have not (yet) rejected any witness but question at least the interpretation and provided multiple verses throughout the text as reason. Given that the bible explicitly states that at least two witnesses are required to settle a matter, I have full right to reject your single witness if I can easily provide many spanning hundreds of years. You had NO argument against it.
I don't worship Hitler. He wasn't a god or the Messiah.
I'm not spamming propaganda. It was simply an easy way to answer the silly supposition that satanists created communism and national socialism.
I'm not even a socialist. I am however an actual NATIONalist that values blood and soil like the word clearly means.
@Sheamus I answered your question regarding the reasons for the invasion of poland and any leader worth anything would have done the same. Was hitler the perfect image of Christ? Obviously not. Would you stand by while thousands of your volk are murdered and driven from their homes if you had the power to stop it?? Probably not.
Or maybe you would.
@rob Wagner was magnificent. The pinnacle of Western art
@Sheamus One more question. Are you english?
@$P!KY\/!k!NG was not an argument, it was a statement. Greatest commandment you have betrayed when you chose the commie Wiccan over the reasonable Christian, you owned it proudly. Second great commandment you betrayed was to reject your duty towards your neighbors by writing anyone non-white off as lesser beasts, which you owned proudly too. Don't come and deny any of it now.
Also i didn't say you rejected witnesses, but you do reject the teachings passed on through the questionable witness, because it doesn't suit your own interpretation.
You do show reverence and adoration forΒ Hitler, that's pretty much worship.
It was indeed spamming propaganda, you are propagating information, especially of a very biased and misleading nature, used to promote your political cause or point of view.
Your very restricted and wilfully biased definition of a nation is just that.
@$P!KY\/!k!NG English in what context? Am I English speaking? yeah obviously, how else would I do business in SA if English is the business standard. Am I a Brittish citizen or have Brittish or any European citizenship? No. Do I have English bloodlines? No.
@Sheamus That's dishonest. I rejected breeding with the BLACK "christian". I write any non Adamic creature of as beasts on scriptural grounds. Your neighbour is someone of your people as the law clearly explains and Christ explains with the parable of the samaritan.
Let people examine the quotes I have posted and decide for themselves whether they are misleading as again you provide no argument as usual to reason with.
My definition is based solely on the accepted definition by etymology of the word and as it is defined in dictionaries that I also quoted along with multiple quotes (versus your meager 1 quote) from concordences to clearly show the biblical interpretation.
The Good Samaritan teaches that one's neighbour is one in need. The Jew and Samaritans were not the same: they were bitter enemies. That's the whole point
Well heck. If you had just said you were english in the beginning I wouldn't have bothered π
Please forgive me for boring you with all this scripture and such. You have shown me the error of my ways. All are created equal and nations are cultural. I wish you long life and many english culture babies with your reasonable black christian wife. π
@Malcolm the Seceder The samaritans were hebrews that adopted pagan beliefs and were therefore shunned by the judeans. READ THE TEXT
I know the text. We had a sermon on it on Sabbath. Blacks are descended from Ham. Jews from Shem. Gentiles from Japheth. That's the old way of understanding the differences between the races
@Malcolm the Seceder Adam means ruddy, to blush or show blood in the face. He appears on earth roughly 7000 years ago in Sumer, coincidently the same place where the genes for white skin and blue eyes come from. Since Eve was made from the same genetic material, how did two white people eventually produce black babies?? Shem was the father of many nations including the assirians who would later wage war against the hebrews.
@Malcolm the Seceder READ THE TEXT
@$P!KY\/!k!NG lol it's not dishonest, you make it about race, i make it about ideology. You chose a Wiccan over a Christian, that's how i see it, that's how any reasonable Christian would see it. You and your ilk don't see that, because you are material and not spiritual, you see black and white... But yes, let's leave it to the readers to judge, I'm not asking for you to be banned or your words removed, I'm content that a reasonable person can be reasonable enough to see through your slithering ways, and in spite of your blasphemy, contemplating me as your enemy, that will inevitably make you mine, i still love you, i would still treat you as an equal regardless, i will still share a boat with you towards the Antarctic, and i would still scale the walls of the Antarctic with you, as weve entertained earlier today.
So under different circumstances where our ideological beliefs don't clash, we are cool, okay? But i will still continue to correct whatever misguided information you do post if and when i come across it. I genuinely don't believe it in the best interest of this community to go down the path your idol has failed already.
I've come back to christianity through comparative religious study and direct gnostic experience, I don't really understand writing people off due to some text or preacher, especially in light of the alterations made to the text (looking at you Matthew). I see the only important difference being a personal god vs ideology.
@Sheamus You are right. You have shown me the error of my ways. Please breed with the black christians and expand the english culture. Long life, prosperity and many babies to you sir.
Lol you really think that's going to achieve much? I'm curious what you actually think that will achieve other than really expose your immaturity, what you think it will bring out of me?
@Sheamus No really. You are right. Clearly I am in error and you are correct. You should definitely be blessed with as many caramel christian babies as you can provide for. Children are afterall the future of the english culture. That is afterall the most important thing for the expansion of the English nation. Please let me know if I can help with your nationalist ideals. I think you can do much good for Great Britain and I wholeheartedly support the equality and love you aspire to.
So you are going misrepresent me as Brittish just because I can speak English, in spite of explicitly telling you that i have no Brittish or any European citizenship or passport, or bloodlines? Really, and then the rest of your drivel is to achieve what exactly?
You are clearly trying to insult and hurt my feelings, and the only weakness you know is your own, so you attempt to project your insecurity unto me, but it's your own insecurity, clearly not mine. What do you think you will achieve with this immaturity? Hurt my feelings?
If the shoe fits, I'll wear it. But this is clearly your shoe bud, it clearly fits you. You ain't going to win any wars with insults, Hitler liked to insult too, and he didn't win either, dunno what makes you think following a loser is any good, it's evident that God was not on his side, but you can continue to live out the delusion he did.
Good night
@Sheamus But I agree with you dude. I was wrong!
Christians unite!
@$P!KY\/!k!NG @Sheamus Friends? It's ok to disagree.
@KoninginTanja No ofcourse not. I don't mix with racemixers, but since he isn't one of mine I will gladly support his efforts in expanding his english/south african nation/culture or whatever he defines it as. π¬ I just won't destroy my own nation.
@$P!KY\/!k!NG I didn't read through it all, so I'll stop butting in.
@KoninginTanja interesting read I reckon. Controversial. Make up your own mind I guess.
@KoninginTanja yes no problem with disagreement, it's part of the discourse/logos that is Christ. the principle of divine reason and creative order. Embrace it, read it, and judge righteous judgement.
Take a moment to reflect on the persecution of Christ for being "politically incorrect" according the politics of the pharisees and scribes, who reason as this character reasons with his preferred politics. The truth is laid bare before you, Christians will always be persecuted like this when confronting such lies.
I'm out now, really need the sleep. Cheers
night dude
@Malcolm the Seceder did you have a look at Justin Peters?