Message from @Daniel van Straaten
Discord ID: 475943966009982978
“The heirs of Greek thought find it repugnant to accept information revealed by God; they insist on discovering truth by their own resources; and if this cannot be done in any case, they would rather go without the truth than to receive it as a gift from God.” Thales to Dewey, p. 155.
"Remember also that out of the title "God of Abraham" Jesus deduced the doctrine of the future life that the Sadducees denied. How many of us would have seen that lesson in that divine title? There must be innumerable truths in the Bible that escape our minds. Our danger is not in finding too much, but in finding too little."
(Gordon Clark Predestination, pg 14)
@TruthCanary @Malcolm the Seceder
Pretty facinating talk
"I don’t see any reason for misrepresenting my opponents, they’re all so bad they don’t need to be misrepresented. If I misrepresented them, they’d appear better than they are." - Gordon Clark
This is very clarifying to me as a citizen of two kingdoms
@Daniel van Straaten Two Kingdom theology is usually dodgy. Is this in the same vein as Daryl Hart?
What kind of 2k theology does Darryl Hart believe in?
It seems one Kingdom theology is that which got the Jews into rejecting Christ. Sacralism reigned for a century in Europe and still plagued the magisterial reformers.
Modern “Radical 2K” led by David VanDrunen modifies the historic two kingdom doctrine by associating it with a dual ethic consisting of Scripture and “natural law.”
I affirm historic 2K while rejecting VanDrunen’s modification.
Historic radial 2K is what many anabaptist where.
Darryl Hart:
"The moral law says thou shalt not kill. Paul says the magistrate wields the sword and kills legitimately. Moral law does not apply to government in the same way it applies to persons... Nero did not violate God’s law if he executed Christians who obeyed God rather than man. If Paul continued to preach after the emperor said he may not, then Nero was doing what God ordained government to do. Christians don’t get a pass from civil law just because they follow a higher law."
"The lips of the wise disperse knowledge, But the heart of the fool does not do so." Prov 15:7
I recommend the part two sermon on 2k theology on sermon audio too
I would agree with the Westminster Establishment principle: the church and state are distinct but not wholly separate. They have separate spheres of authority but work hand in hand.
The whole nation should be Christian and it is the role of government to enforce that
Society should not be pluralistic. There should be no other religions in a Christian society
As for Hart I would have nothing to do with him. He goes out of his way to criticise Christians who try to promote Christian values in society.
And his blog is a sewer of antinomian filth
The logical consequence of establishmentarianism is that the civil magistrate holds the keys to the kingdom.
Christ is Lord.
But if it's Biblical it's Biblical. That's why we had the Disruption in Scotland but we still maintained the Biblical Establishment principle
@Malcolm the Seceder How do the Free churches view of the Establishment principle differ from the National church? Where they basically thinking that they should be the established church? Like in the Church of Scotland continuing?
@Daniel van Straaten Well the FPs would say we ARE the true Church of Scotland, Free and Presbyterian. Basically that there should be an established church.
I suppose the FC and FCC would say the same
Indeed. They'd be wrong however 🤷🏻♂️
What do you think of the FCC?
I was in the FCC for a while but became a APC guy.
I think they should have joined us when they split instead of forming a whole new denomination
But now they're too different from us
What is the difference?
They're not KJV only; there's hyper Calvinism lurking in their midst; they're not as strict on dress and lifestyle.
There are some very good fcc ministers but there's not uniformity across the board
I love Maurice Roberts
Yeah he's cool. And JJ Murray
Come into voice chat?
I used to visit JJ Murrays brother near dornoch
Willy Murray