Message from @BraaiBroodjie
Discord ID: 482195852606308355
If this shit goes down. It's gonna get messy fast
@BraaiBroodjie Thing were messy at bloedrivier........for the one side
they got AKs now
Yes but now they have guns too.
now the ANC &EFF are gonna get more radical, possibly move up their timelines
First time I heard south Africa in a movie was 2012 when south Africa was suppose to be the first place where they could make home again. Cape of good hope
I just hope after all this is done the world will realise that globalism has failed.
@lofty thats what they have 😂
how many guns have gone missing from sandf / saps already?
It is already messy. Where I work I speak to a lot of people. And I've met a lot of neighborhood watch peeps. The farm side durbanvile side. A guy shot a black guy and killed him in self defense and still went to jail. There are lots of killings that are still happening. They are slowly cutting our numbers down
r5/6s, pistols etc..
those days are gone, though
it's going to take a long time for us to toughen up
no leadership, no experience
Its called the "mzansi 1652 special" 😂 or so i hear
and yet there are still people who bash trump for trying to help them/us
Donald trump obviously knew there would be backlash for the tweet I love the fact that he didnt give a fuck
nobody likes a straight shooter
Seems like you have to truely care to damage yourself politically for the right reasons
people who choose raw emotion over reason and evidence often dislike straight shooters
this is why juliyaas is not afraid:
Isn't it logical to assume that a large majority of our country due to various reasons are badly educated and that a democracy will lead to a shitshow and having the US look out for the minority is a must
yes. majoritarianism
when most are <IQ70
But the media esspecially news24 which is filled with cucked whites for some reason fights with all their might any attempt of reaching out or protecting the white minority. What bothers me is I dont understand what their motives could be as it seems that they'll be fucking themselves over
at least now we are not alone.. they cant bully us so easily anymore
the world is watching
Ya @Arnoldsly99 Ive also wondered that
For instance that July Eccles chick... Im still struggling to comprehend that a person like her exists....
I agree things will heat up now too... Julius's shitshow of a press conference this morning shows that
Yes, I will never figure them out. Mark Dice is right about liberalism... it's a mental disease.
All of them ... insane
I see Max du Preez is slowly changing his tune
dink hulle almal skree manet vir die wenspan.