Message from @rupdog
Discord ID: 469159615825838090
The ANC Goverment are commiting a genocide against the Coloureds (aswell) 😨
The Bantu has created a culture that promotes entitlement, of course in such an environment, resources and jobs are quickly "allocated", that will lead to Bantu preference if the Bantu manage the resources.
they don't even accept other tribes
let alone other races
the cake is gettting smaller and smaller
I think they had a culture communists destroyed becasue communism is intolerant of cultures
communism is designed to destroy western culture and Christianity
@everyone I will be live in Afrikaans on my Afrikaans channel at 8pm, see <#468389204133543946> for the link. Hope to see everyone who understands Afrikaans there!
I guess not always looking at Moscov's Subway but generally it is
?i get link?
the fancy stations? That was to boost morale, some of them are lovley
everything we hold dear as white people
communism cause hunger
see great exmaples like Mao's China or Venezuela
The SADF = fantastic beast
not now
hated being dragged in but loved it now
now it is totally broken
and the way they wear a beret makes me cringe and laugh
they SANDF does even pitch up anymore
this Gov is going to regret that one of these beautiful days
I hope so
you can not run a state without the ability to project force
without force(or the threat of force) the population has only morals standards to guide them. those without morals will break the law since there is no threat of violance for those that transgress
too true
I was listening to the Boer Republics vids on YT (, there they discussed ways for whites to establish a new state for ourselves
ye I follow them, good channel
the fact that the current gov is bankrupt and the SANDF is in a shambles play into our hands
it does
never stop your enemy from making mistakes
give rope, they will hange themselves
this vid is also interesting: Dr Frans Cronje discussing possible future scenarios in ZA