Message from @Arcade_Hustle
Discord ID: 471282004391100418
@Graeme the Guerrilla Yeah but like 20% of people actually pay for power, it's not sustainable.
@Graeme the Guerrilla We're going down because of Eskom.
You think they care?
SA has shown a yearly inflationary increase since I don't know when....Likely since 1994
How many times have we bailed out SAA?
And they cant not help out ESKOM since no Power
@Arcade_Hustle another day in Africa. Eskom is going to sink this country
Its other peoples money in their long as the ministers dont have to pay and get fat as usual
Ditsem! @Graeme the Guerrilla, you just advanced to level 2!
Might be getting money from Saudis instead of IMF
What what that means is a whole other story.
Yes for lucrative contracts
But it's not enough though, will have to be IMF, we need something like 600B for Eskom
We give you X you give us Y
@Graeme the Guerrilla Yeah but it's not enough.
Arabs have a shit ton of money. My friend stays that side. They basically are OPEC
IMF may want conditions
@Graeme the Guerrilla They do, but nobody is going to just give 600B to a bunch of commie retards just like that.
namely property rights to protect their investment
you will be surprised. Again you pay us X we will give you Y. Guptas 2.0
LIke hyperinflation in 2 years type of thing
its already happening. I heard on Social media investors are reluctant now due to land grab talks
I would also hold back if I had money to invest
if they fuck the economy due to this land shit we will get hyper inflation like in Zim
hence why 4 Zimbabweans rather work here by us in our office then go back. Because their banks are fucked. The economy is fucked. And shit costs dollar rates
If you can leave SA go. Sorry to say
You cant fight this rationale. They double down when shit happens and blame external forces. Whites or the West for their bad decisions. then wrap it all up in a THEY RACIST ribbon
@Graeme the Guerrilla Yeah I don't see us coming out winning here.
I don't I really don't.
My land lady went to Aus to visit her Daughter as her Daughter immigrated a year back. She says you can walk around at night safely. Pot holes get fixed in a day. No litter. Hardly no crime. its alien to live in a gated community for them.
She did say its very structured so you cant just plant a tree on your outside lawn and build like you want. But rules are respected
@Graeme the Guerrilla "The World Bank and IMF recognises the serious danger ESKOM poses to the SA economy, it's impossible to correct or improve it with it's massive indebtedness of R600 Billion which the state is the guarantor. Cannot see any other solution than an IMF bailout."
"It indicates to investors that you cannot run your economy, you are a step away from being insolvent. IMF bailout will be followed by huge capital outflows and a falling currency followed by hyper inflation."
Maybe they will make a deal with China or Russia
We have very good relations with Commie China
hence why teh Dali Lama was blocked our end as China said no guys
They worry about white capital. China is taking over
I believe they surpassed Japan economically
And if you been to any China mall they pay blacks slave wages. They don't believe in worker rights. So if they think the Ching Chongs are Africas friend....yeah right