Message from @Lao
Discord ID: 690949201273815070
I know 5.4 people that can lift
Not exactly the strongest either
We've been on lockdown for 2 weeks
It sucks because I have asthma and so does everyone in my house
It's so fucking boring lmao
I kinda wish I could be on lockdown
I wish England would hurry the fuck up and lockdown
Genuinely tired
Why can't you lock down?
London almost is on lockdown
The longer people are allowed to freely roam the streets the longer this roll take
Yeah you could just do it yourselves like
Do you work in healthcare?
@Walnut me in particular?
Yeah London is but I don't live in London
I've gotta go to the shops for the old people that live on our street but thats as far as I go
It's not about doing it ourselves it's about the people not distancing themselves
My family is letting people enter my house
I still go to work
Streets are empty tho
Fever is pretty high today and I got virtually no sleep last night
You're ill?
If its legal and they can get into trouble then my family will listen but otherwise they don't care what I have to say
Yeah I have a chest infection and covid 19 symptoms but told to wait until I get a fever before I request a self test
Where you are they're still letting you be tested?
Atm I'm just on steroids for the chest infection
I live in Ireland
Many places have stopped testing people
If you have symptoms you're told not to go to the doctors, and to phone your doctors office and then they send out a test within 3 days
You stay at home like we are told not to go to the doctors or the hospitals so
If they stop public transport I won't be able to get myself to a hospital anyway
We don't have a car
You just self isolate and get over it yourself