
Discord ID: 623992276741259304

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I used to do that to my hands in class because I'd get bored after I finished my work early but I kinda stopped doing it after I started getting tattoos

Imagine being the only one in your house of 4 who is preparing in case of lockdown whilst the rest treat it like any other day

My family are still letting people come and go in the house and they're all convinced that travel is not only still possible but a good i idea

I offered to go out and buy enough food for all of us to live on if lockdown happens and got told I was nagging

My mother who's had a chest infection keeps trying to enter my bedroom and come near me even though I've asked her not to do so

I have tinned fruit, soup, ramen, pasta. No bulk items, I've not even been buying toilet roll

An old woman got shot with BB bullets when packing her car and then had her shopping stolen

The longer people are allowed to freely roam the streets the longer this roll take

It's not about doing it ourselves it's about the people not distancing themselves

If its legal and they can get into trouble then my family will listen but otherwise they don't care what I have to say

If they stop public transport I won't be able to get myself to a hospital anyway

Haven't had any confirmation if my Universal Credit meetings are stopping though

What do you guys think of the people that are saying they think they already got it december/january time when there was a regular ass flu going around?

Because I know a family where 3 people had the flu for 4 weeks and said it's the worst flu they've ever had and lots of people have been saying they think they've already had it

Whoever was telling me to talk, I was waiting for my internet to stop lagging

Also I don't like talking when there's people already talking so I would've preferred to wait for an opening sorry

I don't really sleep much at all so time is kinda not much of an issue for me

I joined discord years ago because all my skype friends migrated

Some lady in McDonalds tried to ask if I play because I had an articuno shirt on

I'm usually one of the oldest in servers I go in so this is nice for me

I didn't choose to be admin, I stayed on as a mod because one of the admins is the only one who tries and I felt bad for him

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