Message from @ecce_lux
Discord ID: 425048468982202388
I voted liberal my whole life - Trump came along and for some reason I started to see things clearly
it was the Cologne rape attacks that did it for me
plus the Trump triggering
the great meme war of 2016 was fucking epic
I can't believe I wanted Obama in 2008....
it's okay - I voted for Bill Clinton and Al Gore
we all do embarrassing bullshit
The meme war definitely effected the election. Fucking pepe was on the news lmfao
I'm going to write up a draft of talking points for a video on South Africa today
maybe record audio tonight or something
That sounds great!
yo, I never gave two shits about 4chan or edgelord culture until 2016
I'll spam it to my followers
Almost 9500 now
incidentally, my YouTube handle is also ecce_lux
I was going to Chinese fireawll my online life and my real life - I ended up with a bunch of accounts with various handles
kinda lame, I guess
Luckily I live in Tampa so it's easier to spread a lot of awareness physically
Tampa doesn't seem as bad as where I live - Los Angeles
it's rough
Almost every county but one went red
Let me guess which one
So once the word is out, what will people in SA need from us? Need a game plan.
you know, that was the same county that was in contention when Al Gore lost, right?
seriously - that one county is a horror show for elections
first people need to know S.A. is in trouble
after that they'll need some kind of aid / protection
you can't solve a problem that you can't identify
step one - identify problem
That's a good question, Channe. We have some South Africans here. They can answer that question better than I
after that you decide on courses of action - their big problem is that they're physically under attack
Hillsborough and that's where I livw
so the easiest temporary solution is to provide a level of safety
But let me tell you why
but just sending light arms, food, medical supplies and feul is just to solve the symptoms
In Tampa specifically Hillsborough is a city of transplants. Mostly from New York, Boston, Philly and Chicago
other people will have more resources than us and will be better equipped to deal with the problem - I think just getting the word out is a good start