Message from @Autisticated
Discord ID: 425528656555933710
thanks, though
I just followed two new people - I imagine they're from this discord
I think it'll take two or three videos to explain my thoughts - I'm going to link South Africa to what's going on here in America
the idea is that it'll be easier for people here in the U.S. to identify with South Africa if they can link it to their experiences here
the black ppl already do 😦
whites becoming a minority in America will likely have effects not unlike South Africa
Guys, Ann Coulter started following me...
i agree
did she really? congrats!
Its fucking huge
tight - get Anne Coulter to talk about South Africa
it is really
that would be awesome
And RTed me 3 times...
I'll follow Anne Coulter and start spamming her comment section with South Africa stuff beginning tomorrow
she would be one that would care about such a glad she saw it.
yo, Anne Coulter retweeted a South Africa video yesterday!
I have it in mind to get South African white genocide on CNN
Anne Coulter is a good first step
fantastic Anne Coulter recognition ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
^ added both the hyperlink to the story and the link so that the story can be found even if it is deleted. is the internet archive, in case anyone wasn't aware. By putting this into the screen capture, the image always contains the source of the image for all posterity. I'm open to all suggestions about changing the title for the next one, and please let know if there are any special cartoons, anime, or politicel/celeb images that fit with our stories about the violence in south africa. thank!
I like the hashtag <#424481712299442176>
when I tweet about it I'll use that hashtag
that or # southafricangenocide
I think three words is better than four
for twitter purposes
very good ecce i will add it to my hashtags
holy fuck - keepvid is no longer allowing for video downloading
my entire schtick is to download shit and then recycle it for public domain usage
god damn it
this messes up what I was thinking about doing for the South Africa videos
I was going to use footage and make it polished looking
are you on steemit?
I don't know what that is
I'm barely computer literate
its not censored
u have to wait for a password...its very prestigious. they have their own youtube type platform called DTube
hm - I like the way that sounds