Message from @northern_confederate
Discord ID: 275465718382985216
I'll be on in a little while. I'm watching a movie with my fam.
no doubt son
@everyone nigga wooderson is up in herr
still says u is
@Bran get in the voice chat
Aha Haha. Shia Cam: You're really cute btw. Are you autistic?
one sec, let me get my headphones
just want to say @WACRx that your twitter is fire
It's cause I'm a Jew
i can recommend you a great rabbi
diary of a wimpy yid is so fucking good
Brb. Did you goys hear Tim kaines interview about Holocaust denial?
It's on real clear politics
What's the difference between white and red in the chart?
Ah. Nvm. Got it
Checking out goyim, have a good night!
Hilarious Tweet^
gonna have to head to bed. later folks