Message from @YUGE
Discord ID: 275516619281793024
what caliber is the upper?
left is new. the right one i've had you 7 years or so
and length
9 in or less
didn't measure
I think that's about as short as you want to run .556
would be killer in a 308
the two pistols are the same brand. the new one has a full length frame with built in picitanny rail. full length guide rod, beaver tail safety, skeletized hammer, and a few other goodies.
for $75 more than i paid for the first one that is a hell of a deal. considering it would cost at least 200 in parts to mke my old one anything close
is this the chief you're talking about @YUGE
haha yes
got waifu trained. i say ov vey, and she responds with shut it down
gook= vietnamese, zipper head is japanese i believe. could certainly be wrong
may be a good resource to pull people from
@YUGE may be a good resource to pull people from
that's what I was thinking
not smart enough to feel stupid is how i describe it
that's how i describe my son's mother
fits like a glove
hey, is Brad Smalls a good guy?
also wtf 8 notifications, calm your shit @everyone
>is Brad Smalls a good guy
I would hope I am 😦