Message from @BershaeS
Discord ID: 276237159034257408
Die here, die there. Whatever, just die
ThTs what I always wondee
What do these people think is going to happn
Paul what do you want your grand kids to be part of
Brazil 2.0?
They don't know or don't care that some of their grandkids will be like the whites in Brazil that aren't living behind walls?
The paladin is like a knight but holier
Kind of like a mix of warrior and priest
Bishy bashy but also healy wheely
I'm afraid of emus because I'm an emu
If he didn't have a gf he'd be alive
Obviously we can blame women for this
Oy Vey!
@BershaeS get in the voice chat
@Domestics of the Schools come in herr son
@Myne1001 doesn't wanna be disturbed
happy kwanzaa!
Watch this woman break down Schumer's jewish insincerity and bad acting as his body language tells what he really thinks