Message from @EveningNews
Discord ID: 276675845722996736
something something he called me a nazi for sharing an ideology with edmund barton
is the greek guy a coworker?
then he said
"you know back then they didnt think aboriginies are human"
and i just said so what
i didnt even say they were right
need to suss out your coworkers before you do that
let them say fashy shit first
i guess i also said niggers and chinks cant be australian
there it is
i didnt say niggers and chinks
doesn;t matter lol
you might as well have
he asked me if africans or asians can be australian and i said no
to them
he hates jews though
The work place is no place to take an idealogical stand
second week working with him hes saying all this antisemetic stuff, mainly how jews always lie
though i could turn everything back on him cause the manager was like yeah this whole multiculti shit is a 2 way street and if anyone offends you bring it to me
and this greek cunt said that nice style attack at the berlin christmas market was a good thing
and that swedes, germans and french people being raped, killed and replaced by arabs is a good thing
thing is though hes not even a citizen yet
i wonder what the high court would think of a company that hires non-citizens who condone terrorism
i could probably crash the whole company with no survivors
sure id be without a job but fuck it ill leave the state
Niggas I'll b just a minute
Then I'll 🐝 on
Gimme like 20 to eat haven't done so all day
This is the heir to the thrown of Liechtenstein,_Hereditary_Prince_of_Liechtenstein
am i in
fuck i'm in finally
fuck off sven no one likles you