Message from @HeliRidesOfPeace
Discord ID: 288124244628471810
Thank you :3
@HeliRidesOfPeace Is that Dana Loesch?
Hahaha, yes it is
I use to listen to her show a lot back in my cuckservative days
Shit, I used to listen to Rush, Hannity, Levin. Actually met Sean Hannity, he's a real nice guy too
I once got into a spat with her over Assad on twitter
the next day she on her show she said we need to support him
Have you guys seen this?
This is seriously amazing^
We oughta find that guy's info and set up a GoFundMe for his bail
alex jones is pro israel
hes pro jew
he just ignores it and sees the negative side of the jews as globalists
Dem Khazar Milkers
If you can convince a black, your idea is simple enough to spread everywhere
Still would hit dat, even after the "Nature" video
She looks cute in this picture
For those that haven't seen it, good video
I had a cousin OD, a friend be addicted to heroin (no more, thankfully), and her sister is in jail for running a meth lab