Message from @Adrien Arcand
Discord ID: 288494993742495755
It me
The Milk Man
Hold on
Brb. Watching that vice thing be my girlfriend
I gotta restart this thing my mic isnt working
looks defective, get a new one
@wyatt oh god
Who is the most unbearable person on Fox News
Juan Williams
shep needs to be beaten with a mace live on television
he used to be tolerable
but its like he thinks trump is going to take his butthole away
I can't stand their usage of the term alt left
Bob beckel too
My roommate is in his room by himself and thinks he has to talk into his phone like he is in a bar with loud nigger music playing
Tucker is by far my favorite
bob beckel comes to work with a .8 blood alcohol level
Italians are the only whites, most wont admit this
@Autistotle what about greeks
Spaghetti niggers out, REEEEEEEEEEE
...they're the secret super whites
@Autistotle what about Cypriot Greeks
@Autistotle oh
"We were introduced to Danielle Bregoli, 13, aka “Cash Me Outside” girl, when she appeared on Dr. Phil as an “out of control” teen in Dec. 2016. Since then, we’ve seen video footage of fights, we’ve seen her using explicit language, and she’s reportedly dropped out of school. Now, Danielle’s father, (((((((((Ira Peskowitz)))))))))), is stepping in and taking action to “save” her. He started a GoFundMe account on March 2, that’s already raised over $1,000 in just one day."