Message from @D'Marcus Liebowitz
Discord ID: 289453369095880715
for you
@Nikephoros if you get along with normies there's something wrong with you
decidedly not MED
he's not MED obviously there's something wrong with him
Every time you drunk should inevitably lead to sloppy redpilling attempts
Yeah pulling ur MED card nike
You gotta earn it back
How MED am I?
Gee I wonder what ((((country)))) has large admixture with the (((((mediterraneans))))
The normie should fear you
They should be worried about drinking with you lest you tear their feeble worldview down with drunken rants
>he drinks
☦ 🏏 🤢
Hahaha a...alcohol is E..European right guys?
potato famine happened because the (((manchester system))) enabled (((individuals))) to turn all potatoes to alcohol
to sell back to the starving irish
Irish paradise, no food means u get drunk quicker
this is mine
no joke
I've got nothing but MED Cred
@D'Marcus Liebowitz why are you purple
top heh
he stole it from me
im his idol
he saw my purple name and was like
"hmm.. i want to be like the coolest guy ever"
@Convo cuz black jews wear purple
@everyone aight im up in this voice channoo, git up n dis shiet
@D'Marcus Liebowitz dont deny my inspiration, son.. im a kang
Purple is associated with royalty
And they was kangz
@c6%G i see you son, i see you
Also purple drank
@leon purploo*
@queenarchitect can confirm that this is me