Message from @wyatt
Discord ID: 289828388871602176
Did he remove it from his channel?
@wyatt is that real? it's not on his official channel.
got deleted
i managed to save it
piezoresistive is spelled wrong there tho
those are the kinetic energy things right?
I also doubt that he could do anything to kill his career at this point. Dude has 60M followers most being teenagers that will follow him anywhere.
@queenarchitect its a crystal
you run a current through it, and if you squeeze the crystal its resistivity alters, so you get a different output voltage depending on how hard you smoosh the piezoresistor
yeah that
someone did a project with those in my college
I wouldn't be surprised if the Jews try to railroad him with hatespeech laws in Europe though.
dude he is literally talking about killing jews in this video and saying hitler did nothing wrong while laughing about it
im sure many people do projects with them
lolol i know
It's a prank bro.
@wyatt weev tells me he's /ourguy/ but I also know weev is full of shit half the time
He has the edgy humor alibi.
holy shit wyatt I ask you fucking questions and you never respond and all you do is call me a niggerfaggot
I'm not being nice to you anymore
he knows better than to spend his time answering questions from those lower than him
get it
your donger
or is he a polish snake
im hungry
>when ur 80 page document is so big that Word freezes
you didnt ask me a question you said weev was dumb that isnt a question
he asked how he was a niggerfag
I said didnt watch, what does it do
I meant to say "what does the hitler simulator do"
I said this in a casual conversational way intending to have a small back and forth
which you ignored
and it didnt surprise me because you ignore everything I write most of the time
^roid rage
This video is hilarious