Message from @TopHatt
Discord ID: 285284860573122560
@Max join voice
Anything easedrop worthy going on in voice?
We're having an orgy
Pretty chill
How to vet:
"Did the Jews do 9/11"
pretty rude tbqh famalam
Well me and my friends did a little cleaning. Cant say its was mainly for anticom but it helps you guys anyway. Im too tired to stay up but ive been working hard.
Sorry ive been so flakey.
Pa pretty much saved the election
Based amish
We uncucked ourselves just in time
CA the NY in worst states
press oy to vey
/play Mexican hat dance
Enqueued **El Jarabe Tapatio-The Mexican Hat Dance** by **Nollan Smith** (*5544223* views) [2 Minutes and 24 Seconds] currently 0
Playing **El Jarabe Tapatio-The Mexican Hat Dance** by **Nollan Smith** (*5544223* views) [2 Minutes and 24 Seconds]
/play Nigz Bop