Message from @RING
Discord ID: 292394944491028490
It was bad enough just assuming this was the case with a bit of research but now its plain as fucking day in actual documentation
(murder all kikes)
these fuckers needs to be wiped off the fucking map
I would actually fund Iran tbh
I agree
I'd kill them fater
I want to fund Iran
Im joining hezbola
lol don't actually tho
brb converting to islam
join a militia
you're really valuable in the meme war
Too slow
converting to islam
moving to israel
oh god brb me 2
Gotta pick a cool muslim name
and grow out my red beard
ill make the best memes for them
>larry klaymn
Tfw no more vacation
>larry kike klayman
Feels bad man
hi wyatt
Wyatt, scroll up
look what wikileaks
is there a web page with all that on it
for conviniet mass delivery
I did
the wikileaks stuff that is
im trying to find the source but it was on the front page of t_d
just doing a browse through and saw it, decided to look at it for once personally and now im pissed as fuck