Message from @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe
Discord ID: 277642702852718592
The fuck
I am in the voice channel
bot is buggy
I'm looking at the marines fitness standards.... They are so lenient on women.
3 pull ups is nothing
Marine fitness standards for a small group
Let's be honest
As long as you're not a fat cunt you're good to go
If you're fat, be our camera man
We got a use for everybody
I just prefer the fitness standards because they're quantifiable.
"Fat" is a little harder to determine
If you can't DL 4 plates you're out
Leg press at least 350?
Tfw home gym only goes up to 350lbs
pleb-tier gym
Sprints should be in consideration.
Greenhouse gym with rusted weights and chains.
Rest assured, we *will* have to run.
@Odalist Refrain There's a 3 mile run involved
Tfw too smart to lift
Why not both
tfw to smart to read
tfw too smart to brag about it on the internet
>tfw to smart to score high on an IQ test
>tfw forget to greentext while you're greentexting as a parody of internet culture and you just look retarded