Message from @RING
Discord ID: 293262100241973249
because it pits the public against judges
on a huge scale
i really want to see the public looking for judge blood thats for sure
and the newsmedia is not discussing the real issues about this decision
_thinks back to that time he was kidnapped and tortured at the behest of federal judges_
this is pretty much the exact timeline i want
i concur. Judges gotta go
no judicial review in the constitution ffs
the great thing is the level of pure contiuining wreckage trump is creating
like i thought after the election shit would die down
i figured the shitlibs wouldn't keep doing themselves more damage
and would just wait 4-8 years
how wrong i was
they're gonna push until we can finally convince people to pogrom them all
the schvitzing will be extreme
I thought the same weev but the lefties are relentless
I think part of it is how young a lot of liberals are today
the older shitlibs grew up in a time where they didnt win continuously
the idea that things wouldnt go thier way was still conceieveable to most of them
not so much with the new ones
also they thought liberalism had finally won forever with obama, and then things went to shit at the very last minute
probably ensured years of bitterness
haha pax
fuck how am i tired this early
sup YUGE
and everyone
not much man
i spent all day getting my summer lawn ready for launch
then ran over sprinklers withthe mower...hhahahah
why am i watching murdoch murdoch right