Message from @ChitwnRogue

Discord ID: 543825189276876800

2019-02-06 03:20:05 UTC  

This one is mostly very good. He should t have mentioned abortion though, he lost some rapport

2019-02-06 03:20:05 UTC  

Who are those women in white? I see some people on Twitter talking about them.

2019-02-06 03:20:31 UTC  

The newly elected democrat women to Congress

2019-02-06 03:20:38 UTC  


2019-02-06 03:24:50 UTC  

Man that soldier has to be what, a hundred at least ?

2019-02-06 18:18:53 UTC  

I'm starting to hate Trump

2019-02-06 18:19:13 UTC  

The fucker has a platform to address important issues but he squander it

2019-02-07 03:39:19 UTC  

A girl ran off the road on Sunday and died hours later, her boyfriend was driving right behind her, she was just 17. It hit close to home considering I drove that same highway just days before in the same trashy conditions and we were both newly licensed.

2019-02-07 03:39:47 UTC  

My heart broke, I met her boyfriend years ago and my friend is friends with her.

2019-02-07 03:40:05 UTC  

Rough month here with teens.

2019-02-07 23:50:28 UTC  

dude....that sucks

2019-02-08 04:29:09 UTC  

She was friend with that crazy chick I talked about while ago.

2019-02-08 09:11:08 UTC  

That sounds really rough. Did the boyfriend make it out okay, or wasn't he in the crash?

2019-02-08 09:11:24 UTC  

I'm hoping for at least that.

2019-02-08 16:59:38 UTC  

Anyone else having memory issues and is absent minded more than normal thru their separations/divorces?

2019-02-08 17:01:51 UTC  

I'm in my late 40s so I can't tell if it's age or something else, but I thought I read this happens to people going thru such difficult times.

2019-02-08 18:37:30 UTC  

It sounds like stress to me.

2019-02-08 18:38:14 UTC  

I get that when I'm really under pressure and I have a million things to juggle. Your brain basically runs out of space to store all the bollocks.

2019-02-08 18:38:59 UTC  

I really wouldn't worry about it. In fact, try to de-stress a bit if you can. Camomile tea and so on.

2019-02-08 19:17:58 UTC  

Things involving people I don't know that a friend tells me about I can often mix up who did what and such. I'll know what happened, just forget who exactly they were talking about

2019-02-09 16:07:08 UTC  

I heard it happens to ppl stressed out like in Divorce. I will look all over for some banking statement my attorney asks about for example. Finally find it and put it somewhere so I can find it later. And then poof, it's no where to be found. Or I'm wondering if I looked at it wrong initially because now it's completely disappeared! Going totally mental.

2019-02-11 01:47:58 UTC  

Hey can anyone help me?

2019-02-11 02:02:43 UTC  

What do you need help with?

2019-02-11 02:24:13 UTC  

I’m just really sad about the state of affairs lately. There was recently a Reddit post about a guy who got sperm jacked and everyone lambasted him hardcore

2019-02-11 02:24:25 UTC  

And talked about how MRAs are horrible and misogynistic

2019-02-11 02:24:58 UTC  

What post?

2019-02-11 02:25:06 UTC  

I got banned from BestOfLegalAdvice for this and later on I saw someone saying how that was abuse and it really affects people and they just got downvoted because “it’s fake and MRA!”

2019-02-11 02:25:08 UTC  

The legaladvice one

2019-02-11 02:25:09 UTC  

MRA's aren't bad

2019-02-11 02:25:53 UTC  

I guess it just gets so frustrating being in a fucked up and misandrist society

2019-02-11 02:26:17 UTC  

Especially as a victim of sexual assault and abuse, and genital mutilation. It makes it feel so overwhelming.

2019-02-11 02:27:40 UTC  

Yeah that was pretty bad..was that the post about the broad that was caught dumping sperm from a used condom down her vagina ?

2019-02-11 02:28:27 UTC  


2019-02-11 02:34:22 UTC  

I have had this fight with many a feminist, they think the MRM doesn’t stand or fight for anything, that we are just an anti-feminist, anti-women group, and when you try to explain what we do stand for, you will just get dismissed, no pain nor personal experiences that led you here will matter to them, however there is no reasoning with the unreasonable, so just keep your expectations low and if it does start to get to you, we are here to talk, even if it is just to let out some steam

2019-02-11 02:36:01 UTC  

Thanks : )

2019-02-11 02:36:58 UTC  

Your role says Matriarch, are you a woman in support of MRM? It’s always really cool to meet those kind of people. It’s also reassuring. I am non-binary but biologically a male

2019-02-11 02:37:03 UTC  

Also that post is just a plain lie because I am a left leaning progressive type xD

2019-02-11 02:37:16 UTC  

And yes, I am women

2019-02-11 02:37:31 UTC  


2019-02-11 02:37:59 UTC  

We try to keep politics out of here because it’s not what we are about

2019-02-11 02:38:27 UTC  

Unless it directly effects the equality balance