Message from @Men Are Human

Discord ID: 528282691142156288

2018-12-28 18:17:49 UTC  

I prefer to think of us as an offshoot of Egalitarianism that sees men's problems as the primary ones at the current time.

2018-12-28 18:21:46 UTC  

Obviously, our focus would shift if we needed to address another group

2018-12-28 18:22:29 UTC  

The understanding that there is a giant umbrella of human advancement, and that it can be broken down into subsections, is integral to humanism. At any given time in our history, we've gone through phases of advancement for Colonial Right, then Slavery/Freeman's Rights, then Soldier Rights, then Female Rights. The spotlight goes further back than that, and it will go further than that in our future. Thing is, there will always be one umbrella: Humanism. To spite a group denies that in theory, it is a human group, advancing human rights. Now, in PRACTICE, some take up arms with the concept in a damaging fashion. Corruption of humanism is rampant. We cannot forget that at the core, advancing human rights is good thing, even in small section, despite the perversions we see on the surface sometimes

2018-12-28 18:25:49 UTC  

If we could quantify rights, and women feel they could go higher, and they use what they perceive "Men's Rights" as a benchmark, then they are still, mathematically, advancing women, which is, overall, advancing humanity

2018-12-28 18:26:19 UTC  

A movement ceases to be humanism if it hurts the rest. Corrupted humanism is no longer humanism. It's as simple as that. And humanism is a lofty ideal.

2018-12-28 18:26:26 UTC  

It's more than semantics. We're all on the same team, just fighting different battles for the same war. We need to correctly identify allies

2018-12-28 18:27:11 UTC  

Corrupted humanism is not humanism, but Women's Rights, or Men's Rights, or Rights of those in Sex Work, or Rights of those going Hungry...those are all viable fights.

2018-12-28 18:27:19 UTC  

Anyone can pervert those fights for gain

2018-12-28 18:31:17 UTC  

That's why we don't call it humanism and it never will be. Since it advances their rights at the cost of others. Men's rights could be nearer to humanism than feminism. But humanism is an utopian ideal in itself.

2018-12-28 18:33:46 UTC  

It's not that I don't understand your position. It's that you limit your potential and growth for any cause if you compare it to others. If you understand that more rights for women is more rights for humans, then you can be more at peace. If you feel that rights are like pie and in order for them to have more, we must have less, then you must view us as hoarders, deliberately holding others back from succeeding. Is that humanism?

2018-12-28 18:41:13 UTC  

Actually more rights for women could be(and is at present) less rights for men. Both men and women don't exist in vacuum.
People say that equality is not a zero sum game. But is actually is in many respects.
What we need is we need to find the balance between rights of men and women.
For example, meetoo movement and decreasing degree of evidence to convict is technically, furthering the rights of women(more rape convictions=more justice for women) . But it's disastrous for men.

2018-12-28 18:44:48 UTC  

It doesn't actually give more justice for women though. Just less justice for men.

2018-12-28 18:45:09 UTC  

It's actually more justice

2018-12-28 18:45:11 UTC  

Everyone should have all rape rights (protection from, and prosecution of). To say women need more than men is wrong. To say women need more is fine. To say men don't need it (or even need it as much to the degree of women) is wrong. To say that, by numbers, women need it more often, could be statistically correct (Could).

2018-12-28 18:45:34 UTC  

But it isn't locking up actual rapists!

2018-12-28 18:45:44 UTC  

Since decreasing the bar of evidence=increases the number of men jailed= decreases the amount of rapists going free... even if thousands of innocents are jailed

2018-12-28 18:45:54 UTC  

Right. The victim should not be the focus. The crime and the criminal should

2018-12-28 18:45:56 UTC  

It's actually tying up the courts so less real rapists go through it

2018-12-28 18:46:16 UTC  

Again, you can't lump in the corrupt with those fighting the good fight.

2018-12-28 18:46:20 UTC  

I see what you mean, but the chances are that it skips real rapists

2018-12-28 18:46:48 UTC  

I think I kinda see where you are coming from, but to fix this we need an equal viewpoint

2018-12-28 18:47:14 UTC  

For example. A higher pension age for men is more rights for women

2018-12-28 18:47:35 UTC  

But the most rights for both would be to lower the age men are penionable

2018-12-28 18:47:38 UTC  

Indirectly, but provable

2018-12-28 18:49:13 UTC  

Through continued taxing from pension age men, socialist policies largely favoring women gets funded better.

2018-12-28 19:02:59 UTC  

Obviously, to pass it through congress, the presentation would have to change, but again: Provable. #maths

2018-12-28 19:05:04 UTC  

need to get some sleep. It's already 12:30 here.

2018-12-28 19:06:24 UTC  

Damn. Good night, bro. Keep fighting the good fight

2018-12-28 19:06:32 UTC  

I think at the very least, police should be prohibited from withholding pertinent evidence that could exonerate the defense

2018-12-28 19:06:45 UTC  

As we saw in the UK more than once

2018-12-28 19:06:59 UTC  

@Dan da Dad you too bro

2018-12-28 19:12:28 UTC  

@King Bean 1st wave feminism was a lot more flawed than you might think. Second wave feminism was quite awful.

2018-12-28 19:16:04 UTC  

Now IIRC, to be fair, at the very start of 2nd wave the NOW (national organization for women), while still tackling gender equality in a sexist fashion, wasn't completely bonkers, but by the end of second wave I don't think one could say that.

2018-12-28 19:18:46 UTC  

Oh boy NOW

2018-12-28 19:18:59 UTC  

Now there's a group of stinkers.

2018-12-28 19:19:20 UTC  

Did you hear some of them praised Ms SCUM manifesto herself?

2018-12-28 19:19:33 UTC  

One of them smuggled the manuscript out of prison for her.

2018-12-28 19:25:33 UTC  

What really surprised me is that "10% of the population" was a 1st wave thing and didn't start with SCUM

2018-12-28 19:26:54 UTC